
Should have finished back in December but due to BS when visiting family my dreadful powers of doing anything were sapped from me.

Decided to go ahead and finish it. I kinda went crazy with it. OH WELL.

He's a pretty nasty dude. Don't let him fool you just because he's a My Little Pony. A twinkle eyed UNICORN pony at that. Then again, I have this nasty habit of turning things like such into murdering raepists and other crap. All though he is more of a cold blooded murderer then the latter…

His monocle is on his other eye so you can't see it. Sad face.

Symbol is a Monocle Sunset Cobra, which is where his name is derived. How original. A bunch of my MLPs that are under King's command are all based on snakes. Woo. And such.

Arcane Circle brush from RedHeadStock of DA. Random grunge textures i'm not sure but also from DA. Somewhere.

The progression of style…as this is the original

>> <<

Ah yup.

I really do need to make a custom of him sometime…NEED BAITY G3 PONY. ARGH.

Ok away.


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