After James' brake blocks caught fire, the poor red engine came right off the rails. Luckily, Thomas and Spike came to the rescue with the Breakdown Train. Needless to say, both James and Rarity are very grateful!
As the cranes get ready to lift James back onto the rails, Thomas and Spike thinking about what the Fat Controller and Mayor Mare had said to them
Thomas: "We'll discuss this later"…
Spike: Worried That can't be a good sign…
James: What are you talking about, lads? You just about saved our lives.
Rarity: Indeed. That was really brave and noble of you boys.
Spike: Yeah, but we abandoned the Fat Controller and Mayor Mare when they were in the middle of talking with us.
Thomas: And we didn't even succeed in stopping you from flying off the rails, James.
James: I don't think it's that bad, boys. You did at least slow the train… Gets cut off as the cranes start lifting him up Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oi! Watch the paint! You're scraping it! Oi! Watch it, you pillock!
Thomas: James, you already look like crap.
Spike: Does it really matter if the cranes mess up your paintwork even more?
Jmaes: Yes, lads, it does actually! It only means more work for the men at the works!
Rarity: And me!
James is then carefully placed back on the rails
Rarity: But honestly, I wouldn't worry, darlings.
Spike: Hmm… What do you think they meant by "We'll discuss this later"?
James: I don't know. They're probably be like… In the Fat Controller's voice "Thomas, Spike, we appreciate your willingness to help." In Mayor Mare's voice "But, you two should not jump into places you don't belong." Normal voice Or something like that, I don't know.
Thomas, Spike and Rarity all give James a blank look
Thomas: Frowns Wow. That did not make us feel any better.
Spike: Frowns-Sarcastically Really comforting words there, James.
Rarity: Shakes her head in disapproval Oh, James, James, James…
James: Sorry… Smiles Thank you for coming to our rescue. I'm surprised that you boys even bothered.
Thomas: Smirks playfully Well, come on, did you really think that we would just leave the Fat Controller's most splendid red engine and the Element of Generosity out of action so soon?
James: Chuckles I guess that would never do, would it?
Thomas: Smiles as he puffs and buffers up to James No, it wouldn't.
Rarity: Smiles Thank you so much, Thomas. And thank you too, Spikey-Wikey. You two are our heroes! Gives Spike a big hug Awwwwww! Giggles as she nuzzles her dragonfriend lovely
Spike: Smiles and chuckles as he returns the embrace
Thomas and James: Both chuckle
As soon as Spike and Rarity climb aboard his cab, Thomas then heads off for home, pulling James with him
This picture is loosely based on this: https://youtu.be/IxCNqlQZrPk?si=eqxnlXwYzaUlCEPA
As the cranes get ready to lift James back onto the rails, Thomas and Spike thinking about what the Fat Controller and Mayor Mare had said to them
Thomas: "We'll discuss this later"…
Spike: Worried That can't be a good sign…
James: What are you talking about, lads? You just about saved our lives.
Rarity: Indeed. That was really brave and noble of you boys.
Spike: Yeah, but we abandoned the Fat Controller and Mayor Mare when they were in the middle of talking with us.
Thomas: And we didn't even succeed in stopping you from flying off the rails, James.
James: I don't think it's that bad, boys. You did at least slow the train… Gets cut off as the cranes start lifting him up Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oi! Watch the paint! You're scraping it! Oi! Watch it, you pillock!
Thomas: James, you already look like crap.
Spike: Does it really matter if the cranes mess up your paintwork even more?
Jmaes: Yes, lads, it does actually! It only means more work for the men at the works!
Rarity: And me!
James is then carefully placed back on the rails
Rarity: But honestly, I wouldn't worry, darlings.
Spike: Hmm… What do you think they meant by "We'll discuss this later"?
James: I don't know. They're probably be like… In the Fat Controller's voice "Thomas, Spike, we appreciate your willingness to help." In Mayor Mare's voice "But, you two should not jump into places you don't belong." Normal voice Or something like that, I don't know.
Thomas, Spike and Rarity all give James a blank look
Thomas: Frowns Wow. That did not make us feel any better.
Spike: Frowns-Sarcastically Really comforting words there, James.
Rarity: Shakes her head in disapproval Oh, James, James, James…
James: Sorry… Smiles Thank you for coming to our rescue. I'm surprised that you boys even bothered.
Thomas: Smirks playfully Well, come on, did you really think that we would just leave the Fat Controller's most splendid red engine and the Element of Generosity out of action so soon?
James: Chuckles I guess that would never do, would it?
Thomas: Smiles as he puffs and buffers up to James No, it wouldn't.
Rarity: Smiles Thank you so much, Thomas. And thank you too, Spikey-Wikey. You two are our heroes! Gives Spike a big hug Awwwwww! Giggles as she nuzzles her dragonfriend lovely
Spike: Smiles and chuckles as he returns the embrace
Thomas and James: Both chuckle
As soon as Spike and Rarity climb aboard his cab, Thomas then heads off for home, pulling James with him
This picture is loosely based on this: https://youtu.be/IxCNqlQZrPk?si=eqxnlXwYzaUlCEPA
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