
A peaceful picture opens in front of you — a couple of lovers relaxing in a beautiful meadow not far from Maretime. The rays of the setting sun caress their faces, surrounding them with warmth and light. A magical atmosphere of love and tenderness fills the air, creating an incredibly romantic picture.

An absolutely strange union at first glance. Successor of the Throne and Guard from a coastal town. But fate decreed this, and, behold, they look at each other with such tenderness and passion, as if they had forgotten about everything that was happening around them, except their love. Their eyes shine with joy and delight, their smiles bloom brighter than the flowers around them. The constantly changing shades of the sky seem to admire this ideal image of love.

She can’t get enough of her new powers and magical abilities, constantly demonstrating them to Him. And He just can’t get enough of his Beloved. But then, suddenly, She stumbles and falls into the hooves of her Beloved.

They hug as if trying to bring their hearts even closer. Their hugs are filled with passion and tenderness, as if they are trying to look into the very depths of each other. This is the moment when everything around seems unimportant, only two hearts beating in unison.

The meadow smells of fresh grass, flowers and happiness, as if nature itself approves of this beautiful moment. Their love fills everything around — even the wind frantically whispers tender words to them.

This is a moment full of magic and uniqueness, where every whisper, touch and look seems to be filled with all the power and meaning of their love.

And only in the depths of his soul the Guard suffers and cannot admit to his Beloved that this may be their last meeting — tomorrow He will be sent to an extremely dangerous region.


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