
Quote: “I’m sorry, what? No… no, look here mister, I don’t have time for your collection of random and strangely asinine questions right now. If it’s THAT important, schedule an appointment with my office and I’ll speak with you in private- not out here while I’m supposed to be working. If you haven’t already noticed, I’m a lifeguard for pity's sake!


Azure Waves is a 30 year old pegasus mare from San Pranciscolt, and now living in the small town of Tall Tale on the westernmost point of Equestria, where she owns a small clifftop stone-built cottage, and works as a lifeguard on the town’s famous black-sand beaches. She is very much a no-nonsense mare with absolutely no time for idiots or those that would ever put others at risk.

Physically, Azure is still in the prime of her life, and has notably high wing strength, which she uses to rapidly propel herself in the sea in the manner of a penguin or other sea bird. However, her actual flight skills, while functional, are decidedly mediocre, thus she doesn’t tend to fly at all unless she absolutely has to. She does however keep her wings in good working condition, and can sometimes be spotted preening publicly.

Azure is very much average in height for an adult pegasus mare, being around 4 feet, or 122 centimetres tall. As tends to be normal for a pegasus, she is rather light, at 41 pounds, or 18.6 kilogrammes in weight. Despite similar colouration and surname, she is of no relation to the Canterlot resident named Pale Waves.

As much as she does not tolerate fools gladly, she tends to be relatively polite and informative with her admonishments, far preferring to educate as to why something was wrong rather than just yelling epithets at miscreants. As you can guess, water safety is at the forefront of her mind, and if she had the opportunity to do so, she would run classes for such in her spare time.

However, as seen in the above quote, committing the, to her, cardinal sin of distracting her from her job, may as well be considered a heresy of the highest order- and thus, she will put whoever distracted her right in their place; vehemently so. Well, so long as she has the time to do so, that is, and her beaches are pretty busy for much of the year.

Despite her, at times, brusque attitude, she is considered a rather attractive mare. Azure doesn’t revel in that kind of attention at all, instead tending to roll her eyes and go somewhere else instead without a word. However, it is noted that she does indeed have a marked weakness for strawberry jam tarts, these sweet treats being her favourite of all.

Outside of work, despite having a fairly large circle of friends, she tends to spend her free time alone, looking out to sea. This is not due to her being antisocial at all, but rather the oceans have a greater draw for her than actually socialising. For her, standing upon the black sand or the basalt cliffs of Tall Tale in the sometimes savage wind and rain is, for all intents and purposes, a deeply religious experience for Azure Waves.

Her friends know and understand the significance that the sea holds for her, and simply accept it as one of her foibles or eccentricities- in Tall Tale, some of the other residents feel just the same regarding the ocean, and everypony knows somepony that is like this. It is accepted by the townsponies, and never brought up around outsiders.

When it comes to more personal matters, Azure Waves is technically heterosexual, but is focusing on her career for the foreseeable future. The Bureau has been informed that she does not, at this point, desire to have children, and likely never will. Perhaps this is something that will change in the future, but of course, that will be up to this rather cute mare.


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