Flurry Heart is a character who I don't exactly like but don't exactly hate. Personally, I wish that they brought in Princess Skyla as I think she's a lot better.
Also, am I the only one who have liked it if Queen Chrysalis was reformed? Personally, I think that it would have been so cool to see Chrysalis turn over a new leaf. I would have liked to see her interacting with other characters like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and many others.
For my favourite episode of Season 6, it would be Buckball Season. The message is handled really nicely. I really like Fluttershy and Pinkie's role, they're really relatable. Now, I don't usually care for the rivalry between Rainbow and Applejack (Usually because I find it a little annoying and I don't ship Rainbow with Applejack. Sorry…), however I do like how they were handled here. I will say that the scene where Fluttershy just SCREAMED at Applejack and Rainbow was really quite shocking!
Now, for my least favourites, they are Newbie Dash, 28 Pranks Later and Flutter Brutter.
First, Newbie Dash really killed my likeness for the Wonderbolts! The way how they were acting towards Rainbow was disgraceful! What makes me hate this episode even more is the ending where Rainbow accepts her nickname and stays apart of the Wonderbolts! WTF?! If I was her, I wouldn't stand for that! I would just quit being part of the-so-called-Wonderbolts and never ever come back! Heck, I think that she should have joined the Shadowbolts instead, yeah I know they were made-up, but if they were real now that would have been cool. This episode, in my opinion, is the most WORST episode of the show!
Though, I guess if we didn't have this episode we wouldn't have gotten Parental Glidence (And I absolutely love that episode)… But, all the same, I think the Shadowbolts should have been in the episode instead of the… Cough-Cough …Wonderbolts…
Next, 28 Pranks Later is also terrible. What everypony did to poor old Rainbow was disgusting and cruel!
What should have happened is that Rainbow should beat the daylights out of the "zombies" and after finding out that it was a cruel prank she gives everypony (Introducing her friends) the cold shoulder. Plus, in my version, Scootaloo does not get involved with the zombie prank. She tells her big sister everything and also gives everypony the cold shoulder, especially her friends (Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle).
And finally, Flutter Brutter… That Zephryr Breeze….UGH! What a spoiled annoying little b——d! I can't say that I blame Fluttershy and her parents for kicking him out and Rainbow zapping him with a thunder cloud. If I was in Fluttershy and her parents' place, I'd disown and cut off the rotter! Taking advantage of others and trying get out of work?! What a mongrel! Me to earth SEND ZEPHRYR BREEZE AWAY!😡
Overall, Season 6 is on the levels of bad, meh and decent. Again, not the best, but not the worst.