Burn, Sinners, Burn! Solar Flare (or whatever you want to call the corrupted form of Celestia) in all her fiery glory preparing to rain down judgement on the sinful, vain, ungrateful ponies who have besmirched her brilliant Day for the last time! Or maybe she's just hungry. !:shrug: "Shrug"
I don't actually have any serious head canon about this, or room in my head for cannons for that matter, I just wanted to draw a pony with the visual elements of a Balrog and this presented itself as the most plausible option. Also, aside from my portrait of Sombra, this is probably the closest I've come to drawing an 80's Metal album cover. Just needs some skulls and lightning. Maybe a castle.
Watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. watercolor paper. Finished: 9/4/14. Cutie mark design and other elements inspired by the work of .