
I’ve been thinking about my little pony lately and looking into my little pony fans on here which really made me want to figure out a my little pony sona for myself once again, but whenever I do this its really hard for me since I don’t feel connected to the pony designs in the show and can never seem to make one that I feel represents me best :/ I always considered making a dragon or griffin, but leaned towards griffin considering a dragon would just be my current fursona in the my little pony style haha. Which I wanted something specifically for my little pony even if it’s not a pony. So griffin it is! I struggle with character design though, but luck struck me when I found a GRIFFIN shipping grid from Puffy-Apple on Toyhouse! Ended up being able to get one that was a pairing between Red (Angry Birds), Fuli (Lion Guard) and Gilda (My Little Pony)! The one you see in the reference here is a more simplified version of the original design. I simplified it since I struggle with complex markings and also thought a more simple design would work best for the show it’s meant to be in.

Anywho here I am in gen 4 my little pony! In a way he represents my anger issues. You can find more information here

Used this as a base


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