Whelp here is my MLP Elementsverse stuff on the Alicorns of the world,
there are two types of Alicorns… well its used to be just one type, but you can give thnxs to
dear old Starswirl for the making of Second era Alicorns, in the world,
Did I say Second era Alicorns ? yes I did say that, cuz of like I said Dear old Starswirl
learned how to make Alicorns, but unlike Pre-Equestrian Alicorns, that used to rule all the Elements of life, death and everything
in between, which the common folk used to call them" Heavenly Celestial Beings" which were the gods of old Equestria
of like I said the Gods and Goddesses of Life, Death, and everything in between, and were pretty much immortal beings
cuz they were the hearts of the world they lived on, these beings lived before Grogar ever ruled, these mythical beings
were the balance between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, this was the only era in Equestrian history when the two opposite
Elements got along with each other, cuz only these beings knew without light there would be no darkness, and without light
there would be no light, cuz Life would not exist without death to which there were two different types of " Heavenly Celestial Beings"
the " Light Celestial Beings" & the " Dark Celestial Beings" and the" Grey Celestial Beings "which are the in-between elementals of
yes the mortals of Equestria Earth ponies, Pegasus and Unicorns, did hate each other even before Grogar , all mortals believed that they were entitled
to the eyes of the mythical Gods and Goddesses, especially The Pre-Equestrian Unicorns, who were the sobs they were back then,
they worshipped the Mythical beings for their unique magic, to the point they would enslave themselves to be with them, the Pre-Equestrian
Pegasus and Earth ponies, also worship the gods and goddesses, but not to the insane levels of the unicorns
now to say all the " Heavenly Celestial Beings" were all perfect, was not true, mostly HCBs Alicorns
were just as flawed as the mortals, maybe even worst, most of these mythical beings had strict
and a bit Xenophobic, especially when it came down to " Heirs" to the thrones of certain kingdoms, Like only
a HCBs must only marry and mate another HCBs alicorn to keep the blood line pure, but if a HCBs fell in love
with a Mortal they were see as "disgrace to Gaia" and were often killed or banished from their kingdom,
and it didn't help that the mortals unhealthy worshipping for these types of HCB, just made these immortals
even worse of less perfect beings, but with the modern history of Equestria, they dark history of HCBs is mostly
erased as to shad the shadow of these types of beings, to make you believe that they were all perfect mythical beings…
Ex-Prince Eden Dawn would beg to differ.
and now for the " Second Era of Alicorns" or just the second era Alicorns, which I said were first created
by dear old Starswirl the bearded, now Starswirl is no were near the ago of any HCB Alicorns, mostly if not all
HBC are all gone ( save for a few), except the young princess of the sun and moon, Luna and Celestia
are the only HCB that are still ruling, with this Starswirl had a idea, to see if Alicorns could be created
( this was before he was a pillar), and well with any trial and error, he found that it was possible! but not without…
problems, yes it was possible to make a normal mortal and Alicorns, in his long forgotten journal hw wrote
"give the wings and they will fly, give them a horn and they can create wonderous magic, but non of these will give them immortality"
Second era Alicorns are not Immortal, yes they will age slower and look younger… but with time they will die of age like any other
mortal, which was the dark secret of this idea, but Starswirl never said any of this, if it was possible to make an Alicorn to
rule over a certain element of Equestria to live, then so be it… even if that one life ever wanted to rule over Equestria,
they never got to say that they didn't want to be an Alicorn, but it didn't matter to Starswirl if you were closely connected to an
a " Good" element, you were picked to rule, but when Starswirl became a Pillar and went his way, both Tia and Luna
found his " Alicorn" spell, and fixed it, so that only to become an Alicorn, you must fix a elemental spell, so that it can not
randomly make Alicorns at will, so that leads to Cadence and Twilight Sparkle, the only " Second era Alicorns" of the modern history.
( tall Twilight with magical flowy mane dose not happen in this AU)
the different between SEA and HCBS, is well HCBs are immortal and older than any of the SEAs
and HCBs are connected to Elements of Equestria, like Gaia is the mother nature of Equestria
and Celestia and Luna are the sun and moon, and HCBs were created when Equestria was first new,
and a big different between the two is appearance, Seconds era Alicorns just look like any other
modern pony, just taller and more unique markings, but HCBs are well more heavenly appearance
like a god or goddesses, an angel for above, and their manes have flow of magic or comic energy
to show that there powerful beings, Second era Alicorns do not have this, cuz they are not a powerful
as a HCB, ( Its rare for normal poines to have flowy manes, but it is possible).
Of the modern days of Equestria, of what HCBs that are still alive are count of are 7/8,
and two Second era Alicorns are alive and rulling
of the two SEAs are
Twilight Hazel Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.
family: Twilght Velvet, Night Light, Shining armor,spike.
age: 28
species: SEA.
Is single, to much of a mess to be in a romantic relationship,
did have a few kids..but heh It didn't end well…
Mi Amore Cadenza " Cadence", Princess of Love.
family: unknown bio parents, Prince Blueblood ( Brother).
age: 35-39.
species: SEA.
is married to both Queen Chrysalis and fleur dis lee,
has many kids, along with Princess Flurry Mayfly heart ( Later on her).
of the curten living HCBs is
Celectial Sol " Celestia/Tia", Princess of the Sun/The Harvest.
Family: Princess Luna Moon ( Half-sister), Unknown bio parents.
age: 100+.
species: HCB Alicorn.
is and has been married to many. is currently is married to Pinkie pie and Tempest shadow.
has many kids.
Luna Eveingtide Moon, Princess of the Moon/ The Dream walker.
Family: Princess Celectial Sol ( Half-sister), Unknown bio parents, unknown full brother.
age: 100+.
species: HCB Alicorn.
is and has been married to many. is currently is married to Moonlight Raven, maud pie and Swoon Song.
they have many kids.
Ocs part.
Eden Dawn, Ex Prince of Heaven/The Dammed Prince.
family: Unknown parents, Princess Silver Dusk ( Half-sister).
age: 1000+
species:HCB Alicorn.
is married to his husband, Blue Salt-Lick, and has many kids.
Siver Dusk, Ex Princess of Heaven/the tides.
family: Unknown parents, Prince Eden Dawn ( Half-Brother).
age: 1000+
species:HCB Alicorn.
it is unknown if she is alive or dead.
Copper Green, Ex Princess of The metal city.
family: Unknown parents, Unknown Siblings.
age: 1000+
species:HCB Alicorn.
It is unknown were she is, but is known to still be alive.
Neptune Rosewater, Ex Princes of The Drowned city.
family: Unknown parents, Unknown Siblings.
age: 1000+
species:HCB Alicorn.
It is unknown were he is, but is known to still be alive.
( The ones that still rule)
It is not known how Dark Celestial Beings are created, but one thing is known
they do not create or mate to make more them, cuz they are the ends of all things.
Ash Basalt, Queen of the Ash.
family: has no Family.
age 3000+
species: ( Dark) HCB Alicorn.
has married many times, has alot of adopted kids.
Skull Fairy, Queen of bones/ the tooth fairy.
family: has no Family.
age 2000+
species: (Dark) HCB Alicorn.
has married many times, also has alot of adopted kids.
There is a third type of alicorn,there more strange than the other two types,
they are called Mixed Gene Alicorns, they are mostly born to a pony that has the " Alicorn" gene
it can be a simple as a Unicorn and Pegasus matting, or a mortal pony matting with a SEA or HCBs,
but there is two types of Mixed Gene Alicorns, mortal and Immortal, Mortal is the Unicorn/Pegasus one
and the Immortal is a mortal pony/a HCBs.
Flatline Plus.
family: unknown parents, unknown siblings.
age: 19-20.
species: Mixed Gene Alicorn.
has no clue who her parents are, is a nurse in training.
Flurry Mayfly Heart, Princess of Emotions.
family: Princess Cadence, Queen Chrysalis and fleur dis lee ( mothers), Blueblood (uncle),
alot of siblings.
age: 19-22.
species: Mixed Gene Alicorn.
The next to rule the Crystal Empire, will be married to Pumpkin spice cake, and luster dawn
later in life, will have kids.
more to come later!