first up… WOW!!! they taught this animal to move!!! you can do anything you put your mind to…. and he died!!!! by the hands of….whatever these are….. I don't like them
OK onto the paper ponies I've finished C: YAY
I ran out of cool paper so the backround is lines today
I didn't finish the small one but I think she should be included too…. also forgot 2 take a picture of big mac back it's 2 late now OOPS
also these ones. small groom…. so many of them like a bug
SIDE BOAT!: I did break my COMPUTER PEN …. so I can't do any digital 4 a bit!!! AH!!!! just an update C: OK…. that's…… ALL BYE!!! BYE Bye BYE BYEBYEBFBYEBYEBYE