
I originally wrote a long description but the image refused to post, so ill keep this brief…

EAW devs. Give us a communist path for the confederate states.

I want my god damn argrarian socialism. And I want marble to pull all her sisters allong for the ride.

That is all. Also. This land is your land inspired me to make this image.

Commission open, please Commission me. I like eating food. Tonight i paid for my taco bell in quarters.


not provided yet


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2 comments posted
Background Pony #BFDE
If he's eating Taco Bell, Hitler isn't the only one who's gonna be killing people with toxic gas tonight.
Background Pony #F4B5
EAW devs, please give us national socialism path and playable Aryanne character who is canon and is descendent of Adolf Hoofler.
I want my god damn griffon-less and pony-owned banking. And I want to cuddle with Marble and Aryanne.
That is all. Also. Adolf Hitler and Marble Pie inspired me to lift.
Gaskammer open, please bring your own Zyklon B. I like McDonalds right next to Mauthausen, I paid for a Big Tasty™ in Reichsmark.