
Name: Fortune
Gender: Male
Species: Shark Pony
Sexuality: Bisexual, leans towards males
Significant Other?: No

Fortune is known for being adorable — and more importantly, he's known for his uncanny ability to brave the crevasses of the ocean and gather up tons and tons of different gems, gems that normal ponies wouldn't be able to unearth, or in this case, unocean. With these gems, he's able to craft jewellery, figurines, and many other things using his sharp teeth to carve them. Some of it he'll sell to the ponies up in the town he lives by, but others, he'll give to those in need, dropping them off without the pony suspecting a thing into their bag or right under their hoof. It makes him smile to see others smile. He'd do this for any pony he had a crush on, gifting them things and making them things and just generally trying to make them smile, although at times it might seem he's coming on too strong. He takes things seriously and worries over whether or not people like him, joking about his own faults to get over situations. In a relationship, he'd do anything to see his lover smile, but again, he might come on too strong and scare them away. If not, and the other pony is just as doting, the two will make a wonderful pair of givers. He's very much used to giving 200% and barely getting back 3%, so it would be a nice change.


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