He's not going to tell us anything more about the bell and he's not the most pleasant creature to be around. Pay for his refill and then politely bid him farewell.
Once we're outside look for a cab to take us to the harbor so that we can inform the ship's crew about our arrival.
By the time you finish your meal — and the traveller, his second mug —, a few tales have been shared around the table.
As you understand it, the Dwarves are said to live among the roots of the Yggdrasil tree, deep underground, while the entrance to their kingdom lies somewhere underwater in what is known as the sunken continent of Midgard.
You are warned, however, that it is no place for visitors; all who enter the kingdom of the Dwarves are expected to behave like Dwarves. Whatever that entails is left unsaid, and you get the feeling you won't find much about it in a book, either.
Still, that is all you get out of your guest. After letting Honourshine generously pay for the group, you head back outside, where the traveller nods a farewell and promptly sets off eastward.
Honourshine: "… So he was a Dwarf. That explains a few things, I suppose."
You ask Honourshine what she means by that.
Honourshine: "Well… for one, Dwarves don't hold females of any kind in high regard. From what I've read, we are born servants to them, and they only recognize skilled artisans as worthy of respect."
Moonflower: "Ohhh. But he was willin' to trade, so it's not so bad, right?"
Honourshine: "It probably sounds like a far more generous offer in his mind than in ours."
Moonflower: "Heehee… maybe! And maybe someone else knows somethin' about the bell, too."
Honourshine: "Hm. Let's hope that someone else isn't another Dwarf."
With that chance encounter over with, you decide to call a cab over, and travel to the city's harbour next. According to your voyage document, that is where you will meet your ship's crew…
You arrive at the harbour a few minutes before midnight. As expected at this hour, the docks are quiet, and while dozens of ships of all shapes and sizes line the coast, most sailors have long retired for the night.
You follow the directions from your document to the Celestial Tide, a seaside inn where the crew is staying. Once inside, you find yourself in a rustic lounge with a bar by the far wall. Among the few patrons, one of them catches your eye: a pegasus mare wearing a headband with your guild's colours.
You decide to approach the mare, and introduce yourselves between two rounds of a card game you are not familiar with.
Guild member: "Hey there! So you're with the Voyagers? You can call me Cerulean Drift, or just Drift for short. I'll be your Third Mate at sea."
You nod, and tell Cerulean Drift that you are here to let the crew know of your arrival.
-+=-Cerulean Drift_*: "Already? Well, we're ready to raise anchor when you are. Now, it goes without saying, but make sure to finish your business here in Equestria before leaving; the Kirin Empire is days away, and the trip back isn't any shorter.
In other words, don't rush it — we expect you to come fully prepared, alright?"
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