The Crystal couple, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, have been through a lot in their marriage since their wedding. From a threat at the wedding itself to the trials of ruling an empire, they have had each other through it all to give love and support when the other needed it.
The same can be said for when the two first learned they were expecting their first foal. The couple were absolutely overjoyed from the beginning, eagerly awaiting till the time came. They celebrated with many. They loved to share their joy and news with others, and to whoever was interested. They basked in their own joy and the joy of their subjects, friends and family. The pregnancy of course wasn’t a complete cake walk but they were there for each other as they had been in the past. Support when the other needed it, which was for the most part for Cadence.
After many months of eagerly waiting the day finally came where the couple could finally meet their new pride and joy.
Cadence rests in her bed with a wave of relief washes over her that the birth went off with no complications. She holds her new baby gently and weakly as she is drained from all the labor she just went through. It was all worth it for her, to finally meet her foal.
Her husband, Shining, the love of her life then enters the room. He slowly walks over to her side. He looks almost as exhausted as Cadence does. Even with bags under his eyes, Shining still has so much joy in his eyes as he eagerly approaches his family.
Not many words are said between the two. They savor the moment they have here together. All the tense and stress they had from the past day are releasing from them. Relief and an overwhelming sense of joy. Wanting to be everything for their new baby, to be able to protect and care for them. Shining becomes teary-eyed.
The family relishes in each other’s presence. Previously two hearts were beating together, now three. They take this precious moment with each other. The new parents already love their new foal to the moon and back.
Yippee! Actual story!!
Meet Prince Scarlet Heart!
Or Prince Mio Bambino Brilla Scarlatto
I’ve had the concept for him ever since it was first announced in the show that Cadence and Shining were having a kiddo.
For the Cloudverse Scarlet replaces Flurry Heart in terms of story/when born. We will not be seeing Flurry in this verse. Scarlet isn’t an alicorn tho, just a little unicorn like his dad.
Technically Scarlet is the oldest next gen character in the Cloudverse, so I thought starting with him would make sense for going chronological order. So I'm just diving into his story. Also I didn’t want to make a bio for him haha.
Anyway! Scarlet’s birth brought immense amounts of joy to the Crystal Empire, making the crystal heart shine brighter than ever before. A very happy time for the empire indeed.
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