AE: You ok, Sketchy? He really chewed you out, then.
SS: I’m fine. I’ve definitely had worse. Had better, of course… ugh. He certainly made his stance pretty clear.
AE: Agree with it?
SS: Heh Buck no! And neither do I understand it. Particularly that bit about ‘Appealing to the inherent cynicism of the human species’… That wasn’t in the brief. What’s even going on?
AE: Politics, Sketch…plain and simple… or not… We’re involved in something much bigger than either of us right now.
SS: Yeah? Well I don’t get why they aren’t telling us anything. We'rewriters… surely if they want something specific they should just tell us. And I sure as Harmony didn’t like the way he brought up Tavy in all this.
AE: What?
SS: Not explicitly, but it was clear enough with his phrasing of 'If you want those close to you to continue to find favour at court, you’d best continue to find favour, yourself.’ Unless he meant Freezy, but either way I didn’t care for his tone.
Iso: That’s messed up.
SS: Tell me about it…No I don’t like this…not one bit..this isn’t what I signed up for.
AE: Well…whatever it is we’re signed in together, Sketchy.
Iso: One photo at a time, eh guys?
SS: Anyway…seems I missed something…what’s a 'Moles-’
AE: NO!….I mean…you don’t want to know…Trust me Sketchy…I…I wish I didn’t.
SS: You’re blushing…what is it, tell me? Dude I’m a pony of the world, come on.
AE: Seriously…you don’t want to know.
Iso: Eh. You’re over-reacting. I’ve seen much worse.
AE: Worse? WORSE?! Where could you have possibly seen worse?
Iso: You know…places. Stores…magazines…Honestly you can’t not have thought of it before? Every red blooded stallion has since Celestia was a…not a thousand years old.
AE:…Well I guess I’m not a red blooded stallion then, because I can tell you for a fact that I-
SS: Now I’ve GOT to see this.
AE: …Fine. On your own head be it.
(Sound of keyboard typing)
SS:…Woah. That…is that?
Iso: Eyup!
SS: Wow…humans are…they…
AE: They most certainly are.
(Sound of muffled laughter from SKETCHY SOUNDS)
AE: What?…wait, you find this funny?!
SS: A…a little…Come on, it’s just…Pffft it’s hilarious…Gosh the thought that these humans are (indecipherable due to laughter) Sweet Celestia this is priceless!
Iso: Sweet Celestia indeed.
AE: Well I’m glad you two find this…this so amusing.
Iso: Making you uncomfortable, Mr. Eight? Anything you want to share with the rest of us?
SLIGHTLY ECCENTRIC enters the room.
SE: Hey guys, what are you looking at?
(Transcript ends here to embarrassed cries of protest from AE, SS and Iso)
((OOC: We are unable to link to the blog in question as we are very much a SFW operation…hinting at things that may go over younger heads, though, well we’re very good at that. Put it this way. If you’re on tumblrpon and you are mature enough and have a search engine then you pretty much already know who we’re talking about. ;) ))