The MLP 2017 film was my introduction to the franchise and turned me into a brony practically overnight. I've been rewatching it recently, and I got inspired to come up with a similar, but fresh concept for it.
When Twilight enhances herself with a potion to help her prepare for Equestria's first annual Friendship Festival, she inadvertently creates an alter-ego named Insight Sparkle, who is bent on replacing her as the princess of friendship.
Concepts and Ideas.
Story — The concept of this rewrite follows Twilight, and her friends facing off against an alter-ego of Twilight that she creates after taking a potion to help her prepare for the friendship festival (Mostly due to her own insecurities and uncertainties about her ability to handle the event). With a desire to replace her lesser self as the princess of friendship, the alter-ego Insight Sparkle, freezes the other princesses, steals their magic, and takes over Equestria as it's new ruler; Leaving the Mane 6, Spike, and Discord to venture across the kingdom to find ingredients for an antidote.
Themes — The primary theme of this film is Leadership as Twilight learns to have more confidence in herself as a future ruler.
Setting — Unlike the canon film, this film is set entirely within Equestria itself, using some key locations for it's plot as well as a couple new ones. Places such as Canterlot, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Manehattan, and the Everfree Forest all appear.
Characters — Many noteworthy characters from the show appear, but there are some key differences from the canon film. Discord for one, who was merely referenced before, now makes a full appearance, albeit transformed into a mouse by Insight and also stripped of his powers. Zecora, being a potion maker, would also play a key role. None of the new characters from the official film, save for Songbird Serenade, appear here. Additionally, the creatures from the other kingdoms (Namely the dragons, changelings, gryphons, and yaks) and their rulers will also appear as they were all invited to the friendship festival.
These are simply some of my ideas for the rewrite. But in a future journal post, will go over the main reason why this idea came to mind and even the issues I had with the canon film that inspired it. ;)