Cadence tends to have a lighthearted manner in serious situations, such as stopping to drink chocolate milk raining from a cotton candy cloud when the main characters confront Twivine Sparkle. As a result, she is often not taken seriously even by her closest friends, who occasionally call her out on her seemingly illogical behavior.
Twivine hypnotizes Cadence with her chaotic magic. In this state, Cadence is an irritable grump who hates laughter and happiness and has a general dislike of many things. When she's returned to normal, she laughs and says, "I-I turned gray! Can you believe it?!"
Cadence frequently performs cartoonish feats, such as eye-bulging, wild takes, and unusually angled cuts into the frame. On several occasions, Cadence breaks the forth wall and shows awareness of cinematic elements. For example, at the, she pokes her head through the iris wipe to grumble about Pinkamena's friendship lesson, and she stretches the iris wipe wide open and climbs into the black screen to protest about her vanished mouth, and, she gets so excited about Twivine buying all the cakes in the bakery, she shakes the camera. After Cadence claims that keeping Thorax and Marble Pie's secret was a "piece of cake", when the screen irises in on her, she shakes her head at the viewers, indicating the contrary.
Princess Cadence is first introduced as a talented and avid party-thrower. She is even shown to throw parties on completely random occasions, such as a "finish ringing the school bell" party. Cadence is even revealed to have a secret party planning cave in the Sugarcube Corner basement.
Cadence organizes a birthday party for Pinkamena on very short notice, putting up decorations in very little time with her "party cannon." The cannon would become a running gag throughout the show, up to the point where Pinkie even uses it to fight off the mirror clones.
On occasion, Princess Cadence shows an insecure side of her personality, doubting her friends or herself. She believes her friends to be unfaithful, causing her hair to "deflate" and her coat color to fade to a grayish pink. She slowly goes insane as she adopts several inanimate objects as new friends, pretending that they are real. Cadence feels outdone and replaced by Shining Armor and doubts in her own partying abilities. She gives up party planning and tries other tasks but fails at them. Her faith in herself is only renewed when she looks back on parties she had thrown for her friends, including Pinkamena's welcome party and the wedding reception for Marble Pie and Thorax.
Cadence has an exceptional memory, saying she knows "everypony in Ponyville."
Cadence has her own kind of promise, a variation of "cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." Her version is "cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Cadence takes these promises very seriously, stalking Pinkamena to make sure she doesn't break one and angrily pursuing Double Diamond when she believes he has broken one.
Cadence marries Shining Armor and has a daughter named Flurry Heart in the future.