
Hey everyone,

Welcome to another instalment of the Random Character Art series, wherein I redesign a random character from my roster that I have never depicted before. And today, it is the turn of Axial Pitch!


Named for an engineering term referring to gears, Axial Pitch is a 27 year old unicorn stallion, born and raised in Trottingham, but now residing and working in Baltimare as a master engineer specialising in aeronautical gearboxes. He is a well-respected and hard-working member of staff at Moonlight Breeze's aero engine factory.

As a stallion who is known primarily for his problem-solving abilities and his ironclad work ethic, he has become an indispensable employee and a good friend to both Moonlight Breeze herself, and to her father, Con Rod. This is to the point that as a mark of the respect he holds for the father/daughter duo, he has learned Stalliongradi, the pony equivalent of Russian, to an utterly fluent level.

When it comes to family, both his parents survive to this day, and he has two sisters, with three nieces and one nephew between them. All of his grandparents are also still around, and they dote on him as they always have- much to his eternal embarrassment, of course.

Physically, while not heavily built or muscled, he has a wiry, well toned, and actively maintained physique. He can thus be considered physically strong for a unicorn stallion. Axel, as his friends call him, is of average height for a unicorn stallion, though as mentioned before is fair bit slimmer of proportion.

Seen here without his standard PPE, Axel loves to socialise with his friends, and spends free time learning about new engineering techniques, much of them regarding magi-tech machinery- otherwise known as the fusion of Equestrian and Human technology, something that is slowly on the rise throughout the world of Equis.

When it comes to more personal matters, Axial Pitch is openly and unapologetically bisexual, and cares little for the species of a potential partner. While currently single, this smooth-talking stallion is most certainly not unaccustomed to the pleasures of the flesh, but is presently looking for more friendship than anything else.


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