it's honestly been a while since i drew my absolute favourite g3 duo ;—; Wysteria and Spike have had my heart since childhood and they always will,,,,
so uh in my personal g3 au/headcanon universe (which started back with my pony galore series) they live together in a small cottage near woods, on the outskirts of Ponyville — they live off by selling flowers at the town's market during spring and summer seasons, and move in their friends' (Pinkie, Minty or Dash's) houses for autumn and winter. Each year they stay at a different friend's house and help out with chores eheh.
For their origin story… I was thinking Spike might have come from a dragon tribe/society which lived far from Ponyville or major cities like Unicornia and Butterfly Island; yet these dragons were pretty friendly and brave and usually worked with ponies (especially royalty/leaders of the respective kingdoms) to protect them from harm and generally help out. I hc Spike was born a water-breathing and wingless dragon (when other dragons were fire-breathing and winged), so he was the oddball in the family and the tribe. Even if he wasn't destined to protect a princess of ponies, he found princess' graciousness in Wysteria when she found him injured after a rather tough dragons' test and nurtured him back to health.
They have been living together as best friends ever since, with Spike greatly helping Wystie do gardening; and his water-breathing powers definitely came in handy < 3