This year, I had to take some time off work as I underwent some painful surgery. During my recovery, I found that my spirit was low as I was fighting pain on a daily basis. I was wondering what I could do to help myself, so thought I would guide my spirit to recovery by updating my OC. I started updating my offline and online marketing with her, including my new website, but I still felt incomplete. It was then when I decided I would bring her in to reality in plush form. As she started to take shape, I could see something magical occurring within. My spirit was coming back. And every day, as I got stronger from my surgery, my spirit became happier and stronger. This OC has helped me through many dark times in the past, and continues to do so today.
So, I happily present my new Purple Nebula! I truly hope you enjoy what I have made. I fought hard to come back, and she saw me through the entire way. My spirit and body are healed, and I am ready now to create more magic. Thank you for joining me on this wondrous journey.