Born to Silly


Happy early birthday :iconbbbhuey:

Applejack (say what) plz "Okay Rainbow, being eaten by ya, ah can deal with."
Applejack (Absolutely not!) "BUT GIMME BACK MAH HAT!!"
MLP Rainbow Dash (Winking 2) Plz"Nah, I think I'll keep it safe while you digest."
MLP Applejack (Aw Horseapples) Plz
Lachlandingoarchive (7) by LachlanDingoOfficial
MLP Rainbow Dash (Laughing) Plz "Kidding! I would never do that, just ask Lachlan here!"
Lachlandingoarchive (5) by LachlanDingoOfficial
"Even when she's not trying, Rainbow Dash can be kinda… scary…"
Lachlansocuteplz by LachlanDingoOfficial
"And I like it!"


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