
Daring Do took a moment to confirm there were no surprises on the toppled stone head before sitting down on it. Once settled in, the mare unslung her canteen from around her neck and rehydrated herself. At the same time she removed the pith hat from her head and started fanning herself in a vain attempt to counteract the oppressive, humid, jungle heat. As she did this the mare took a moment to look around at the ruined structures.

She'd make camp here for the night in one of the inner circle of buildings. Or at least in one of the buildings that wasn't still riddled with functioning booby traps. The Llamacalla had apparently loved booby traps and pitfalls. But Daring's pegasus weather sense told her that once again another series of evening thunderstorms would soon descend upon this area. In fact she could even hear the their distant rumbling thunder over the continuous cacophony of the jungle wildlife. She wanted a roof over her head before the storms arrived.

Completing her visual scan of the immediate surroundings the mare glanced over at her hat. Apparently she'd acquired a souvenir during her latest exploration of the ruin. With a long, weary sigh Daring pulled blowgun dart from her hat and looked at it for a moment before tossing it aside. She had plenty examples in her collection back home. She didn't need another one.

This is commission from Ponyville Ciderfest. I need to draw Daring Do more often. She's a fun character.


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