Continuation of that AU i was talking about here: https://bluebrushcreations.deviantart.com/art/Celestia-s-Brightest-Pupil-731065372
here we have a portait of cadence well into the AU. Equestrias in full on Civil war, other countries have either chosen to aid equestria or not at all. Celestia kidnapped Spike and Killed(kidnapped buut cadence thought he died) Shining armor to use as leverage against twilight so she wont kill herself(wow dark) and Nightmare moon has kidnapped Flurry heart to use as a force against the pheonix(see that fire/ice thing i just did ye you did)(she probably also gave her a better name that flurry heart) so Flurry has barely any memories of her real mother, and Cadence is pretty fucked up at this point. But she hides it to take shinings place as General and leader of the Equestrian rebellion. I like this AU its fucked up
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