I want to give her a fun, kidcore like redesign.. also, the necklace around her neck is actually a sensory chew (similar to the one I use to wear when I go out.. unfortunately I lost mine).
She has lots of band-aids on since she bumps into things now and then, alongside picking at her sores.. her cutiemark is rainbow bubbles and her mane style is inspired by Future Derpy Hooves from ‘The Last Problem’.
Information about her
- Derpy Hooves is the same age as Minkie Pie, alongside being on the same learning level as her.
- Derpy has Autism, ADHD and DCD.
- She age-regresses (sometimes) due to missing half of her childhood
- She’s Asexual + Panromantic
- Wears the sensory chew necklace (almost) all the time, Derpy chews on it when she’s anxious or upset. (Sometimes, when she goes to places she also brings her Muffins shaped headphones or as she likes to call them ‘ear-muffins’)
- Has poor eye-sight, so she tends to fly below ground to avoid hitting any of the other pegasus.. the only time she flies above ground (or in the sky) is when she knows it’s safe to do so or there is barely any pegasai in the air.