-HOBBIES: Coffee, Novels, Podcasts, Thriller Movies, Late Nights at Work.
-WIFE: Deceased
- Some Info about True Crime: True is a detective, respectable but detached from those in his field. He had other ponies he cared for, once, but he lost them long ago and has refused to open his heart to anyone else since. He spends most days and nights in his office, getting very little sleep in between jobs. In his early career he presented himself as very polished and sophisticated, but as time has gone on, he's gotten more lax in his appearance and attitude, as he's grown quite weary of the day-to-day toll. He's still by far the best detective around, but his personality is far more prickly than it used to be. His one unwavering purpose is to find the killer that took his loved ones away from him, but so far it's the only case he's never been able to solve.