I know it's been a long time coming, but I felt it was time to bring this lady back in focus for a while during my reworks of my Nightkin characters.
For those who don't know her, this is Periwinkle Cloudburst- a tall pegasus weather pony, and now designated head of the Weather Team for Dazzledell Hollow. Kind-hearted, friendly, supportive, gentle, cuddly, and plain old wholesome- these words are all very accurate descriptions of Peri, as she's known to her friends.
And, if I might add, shes definitely quite a pretty lady, too!
I'm still working on a full bio for her at present, and there will be yet another pic made of her soon- I absolutely adore making art of Peri, her colour palette is easy on the eyes, and she's fun to work with.
I know I tend to reuse bases often, but this opportunity was too good to pass up- it's just perfect for her!