Born to Silly


Lord(ess?) Ember gets to know what a pony's hoof feels like for the first time in her life. Or maybe it's the first time in years and she just forgot how it felt. I guess that's up to interpretation (or you can just assume that I had the urge to draw this).

I haven't been watching a ton of MLP lately because of how ashamed I felt after watching the last two episodes of season four without first seeing the previous episodes. I know it's a children's show that shouldn't be taken too seriously, but spoiling yourself in the way that I did can sort of kill it for you. Anyway, I went to the MLP wiki and looked under the characters section for fun when I stumbled upon Princess Ember. She instantly caught my eye and made me curious to the point where I went and saw the episode where she first appeared. It wasn't super thrilling, but at least now I got an idea on what kind of person Ember is. All I can really say is that she reminds me too much of Astrid from HTTYD.

Okay, now for the drawing itself. It's pretty self-explanatory if you look at the title. The background is supposed to be some random sitting room in Twilight Sparkle's castle-that-used-to-be-a-library. I searched on Google Images for a reference of the interior and just went along with that. I don't know if it's me or if the colors inside look less than appealing; maybe I'm just wanting them to be more saturated or brighter.

Everyone in this image belong to Hasbro


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