I've never drawn spit fire, and since Kelly Metzger is comming to Midwest Brony Fest I thought a Spitfire Print was in order\~
So if you are a Spitfire fan come on down to MWBFKC! www.mwbfkc.net/
Its gonna be awesome!!!
new Water Mark
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Commisson me\~ "![Commission sheet by KakashisChika":https://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2014/048/3/8/commission_sheet_by_kakashischika-d76y1ah.png(https://kakashischika.deviantart.com/art/Commission-sheet-434928905 "Commission sheet by KakashisChika, Feb 17, 2014 in Fan Art > Manga & Anime > Digital > Games")[/bq]