[bq]Fluttershy and Discord
Here are the Christmas presents that have been commissioned for my special advent calendar:
These commissions for Christmas are over but I could do, in the future, another event like this, so follow my gallery on Da, "*tumblr and FaceBook to stay up to date.
If you want a normal commission from me, send an e-mail to: stepandycommissions \[AT\] gmail \[DOT\] com
For more info click here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8287640/
On my Patreon page there are exclusive illustrations and comics at high-resolution.
Thank you for your support!!"
#discord #fluttershy #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #my_little_pony_friendship_is_magic #fluttercord #fluttershymlp #discordfluttershy #discorddraconequus #discordmylittlepony