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DeviantArt (September 21, 2015 at 4:04:30 AM UTC)
LittleComic: ''Secret fun time spot''
XD This was mainly based on another hilarious moments of :iconjustice4243:'s stories.
This one being part of ''You didn't know that you fell''
In one part there's a mention to the femous murder scene in the shower:
''''Aria rolled her eyes as she walked up the stairs, Sonata behind her. “She has her own bathroom, remember?”
“Oh, right!” Sonata replied. “How can I forget Adagio’s and my secret fun time spot?”
Aria paused at the top of the stairs. Her cheeks began to turn slightly red as she turned towards Sonata. “Secret…. ‘secret fun time spot’?”
Sonata smiled and giggled. “Sometimes when Adagio is in the shower, I like to sneak in there!”
“… Go on…”
“I sneak in there and then quickly pull open the shower curtain while I pretend-stab Adagio with a kitchen knife and go”—Sonata mimed a stabbing motion— “Eee! Eee! Eee! Eee!”
Aria sighed heavily and continued walking. “So that’s why she sometimes chases you around the house while she’s wet and naked.”
“See!” Sonata said. “Fun!”''
And I just had to do this XD
PD: The smoke censors are pretty obvious aren't they? Welp, if you follow me on my nsfw Tumblr then go there! I got a surprise <3
The dazzlings do not belong to me.
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