My luck with jobs is weird. When I need work, I can't find any. But if I'm busy, I end up with a line of people waiting for me.
This morning I got up early and grabbed my brand new Christmas gift to myself — a , and laid out a new drawing challenge for January to get myself drawing again.
I've got zero clients, going to look forward to spending more time just on my own projects for a month or two. Get a little rest, and get some milage on the things that are most important to me.
By the time I had the challenge set up and had decided on a theme for a couple weeks worth of drawing, the phone rang. New client. Got the dets, wrote up my notes and got back to the drawing table … had the first face layout sketchwork done, and phone rang. Old client with new problem. Got the dets, wrote up my notes. Back to drawing. Got the first face done, and was starting on the second and TEH FON RINGLES! Old client with some legacy issues with their domains. Got the dets, wrote up my notes and got back to drawing just in time to IGNORE DAS FFFFFFFFFFFFFØ|\|∑!!!!shift1!!!
Done drawing, posting, two voice messages.
Must be the new year.
I hope all of you are having a happy new year too!