[bq]Day 9: Hanging out with friends
Hey guys!! !:squee: ":squee:"
" !:) ": (Smile)")
NOW, ABOUT THIS PIC: This pic was inspired by my dear friends Angie  and Fran  The y are the ones that came up with the idea of the ball-pit, after a certain "incident" of a Brony event that failed !; "Sweating a little…"
So I drew this last year, but just like always back in last year, around 60 of my pictures were just sketched but never colored, or drafted, but not even sketched, so I decided to color this for the challenge, so I could have some participation of my babies from "My Little Squishy" on this challenge !:) ": (Smile)")
As you may see, Twilie and Dashie love it, AJ got stuck, Rarity is not amused, Fluttershy is getting drown in the middle of so many colorful balls, and Pienke. . . Stop that Pinkie, those are NOT candies!
The little ball-pit, is actually a souffle bowl !:) : (Smile)) Where was I supposed to get something the size of those things to make a ball-pit? lol
And the balls are, uhm, who knows, use your imagination !:XD: XD
Pray for me while I work on something big that I hope appears this month, guys !:) : (Smile))
!Bullet; Red; Orange; Yellow; Green; Blue; Purple; Pink
!Star! the following days, draw/write your OTP:
!Bullet; Green — Holding hands- Love is in bloom
!Bullet; Green — Cuddling somewhere- Day 2: Cuddling Somewhere
!Bullet; Green — Gaming/watching a movie- Day 3 Watching a Movie
!Bullet; Green — On a date- Day 4: Twidash Date
!Bullet; Green — Kissing- Day 5: Twidash Kiss
!Bullet; Green — Wearing eachothers’ clothes- This Fragrance is yours…
!Bullet; Green — Cosplaying- Cosplay…
!Bullet; Green — Shopping-Day 8: Shopping
!Bullet; Green — Hanging out with friends- You're here !:) ": (Smile)")
!Bullet; Green — With animal ears-Day 10: With Animal Ears
!Bullet; Green — Wearing kigurumis- MLS: Twidash Kigurumi
!Bullet; Green — Making out
!Bullet; Green — Eating icecream
!Bullet; Green — Genderswapped
!Bullet; Green — In a different clothing style (Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect. )
!Bullet; Green — During their morning ritual(s)
!Bullet; Green — Spooning
!Bullet; Green — Doing something together (this can be anything from watching tv to having sex. Just remember to tag appropriately.)
!Bullet; Green — In formal wear
!Bullet; Green — Dancing
!Bullet; Green — Cooking/baking
!Bullet; Green — In battle, side-by-side
!Bullet; Green — Arguing
!Bullet; Green — Making up afterwards
!Bullet; Green — Gazing into eachothers’ eyes
!Bullet; Green — Getting married
!Bullet; Green — On one of their birthdays
!Bullet; Green — Doing something ridiculous
!Bullet; Green — Doing something sweet
!Bullet; Green — Doing something hot (once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)
Hope you like it, guys!! !:love: "Love"
Kim out. Peace. !:blackrose: "Black Rose" !:jsenn: "jsenn the beloved" !:skull: "Death"
MLP belongs to ©2016 Lauren Faust  and Hasbro
Art by ©2016 Akemi Shikima
!:blackrose: "Black Rose" VISIT MY BLOG artntips.wordpress.com/ !:blackrose: "Black Rose"
!:star: "Star!"COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN !:star: "Star!"
"![Commissions' Price List 2016 by ShikimaAkemi":https://t00.deviantart.net/zdxsqswPPSqQUFputaVDnO_N8Sg=/fit-in/150x150/filters:no_upscale(:origin()/pre00/d4d7/th/pre/f/2016/125/8/f/commissions__price_list_2016_by_shikimaakemi-d9uneki.jpg)(https://shikimaakemi.deviantart.com/art/Commissions-Price-List-2016-595676034 "Commissions' Price List 2016 by ShikimaAkemi, Mar 9, 2016 in Digital Art > Drawings & Paintings > Other")
!:heart: "Heart" PLEASE HELP ME ON MY PATREON www.patreon.com/ShikimaAkemi !:heart: "Heart"
"![Pretty Light Rainbow Watermark by PeppermentPanda":https://orig12.deviantart.net/bb5b/f/2012/200/9/c/pretty_light_rainbow_watermark_by_peppermentpanda-d57v783.png(https://peppermentpanda.deviantart.com/art/Pretty-Light-Rainbow-Watermark-315543891 "Pretty Light Rainbow Watermark by PeppermentPanda, Jul 18, 2012 in Designs & Interfaces > Logos & Logotypes")
#cutekawaii #date #friendship #loveromance #rainbowdash #sai #mlpmylittlepony #shikimaakemi #rainbowsparkle #twilightsparkle #equestriagirls #twidash #humanizedponies #patreon #yurilesbian #twidashisbestship #twixdash #30dayotpchallenge #mlpfimmylittleponyfriendship #rainbowdashtwilightsparkle #twidashie #twilightsparklerainbowdash #equestriagirlsrainbowrocks #twilightsparklexrainbowdash #equestriagirlsfriendshipgames #mylittlesquishy #applejack #ballpit #digitalart #digitaldrawing #fluttershy #photoshop #rarity #pinkiepie #pinkshy #painttoolsai #flutterpie #rarijack