[bq]Kilala97's Sparity
Pinkie: Ooooookkkkaaaayyyy…..\click\ Got it.
Spike: Sweet, let's see how it tur…….PINKIE, your hoofs in the shot.
Pinkie: Oooooohhhh, bllluuurrrryyyy. Uh, I mean, okay, let's try this again.
Clarity: But we've been here for hours, my cheeks hurt from smiling too much.
Rarity: And that was the last of the film, Pinkie."![:shakes head sadly:":https://fc04.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2008/050/c/6/_shakes_head_sadly__by_death_au.gif(https://death-au.deviantart.com/art/shakes-head-sadly-77815744)
Pinkie:…………….eh, it'll work. I doubt anyone will notice.
DRACONIES!!!! You will submit to they're adorableness.
Turquoise Blitz (or Lil'T as like to call him) and Crystal Clarity are properties of the talented ![:iconkilala97: "kilala97"](https://kilala97.deviantart.com/)
Background is property of the also talented ![:iconzutheskunk: "ZuTheSkunk"](https://zutheskunk.deviantart.com/)
#fanart #nextgeneration #mylittleponyp #kilala97