
Hey everyone,

Welcome to another instalment of the "Introducing" series, wherein I introduce you to a character from my roster that has never been depicted here before, and today it is the turn of none other than Wheatsheaf!

Wheatsheaf is a 49 year old earth pony stallion originally from Appleoosa, but now living and working on a large arable farm just outside of Dazzledell Hollow.

A veteran Sergeant Major of the Royal Guard who has many successful tours of duty under his belt, he retired recently to Dazzledell Hollow to pursue a more peaceful life — quite literally trading his swords for ploughshares.

This formerly taciturn and mercurial stallion has already discovered a new lease on life since his retirement, and his personality has effectively "done a 180," leading him to openly love everything about his new life.

His wife and two sons both live and work with him, and he has a number of farm-hoofs that help manage his farm. Wheatsheaf, as the name would suggest, specialises in working with wheat, but he is more than capable of dealing with other cereal crops.

Joyous, chatty, generous, very friendly, and even excitable; Wheatie, as his friends call him, is one of those happy souls that brighten up a room when they walk into it, and just wants to share his joy with others.

Physically, he is tall for an earth pony stallion, being on eye level with Big MacIntosh, but with a leaner, less imposing build. He is a little arthritic, and as a result of a magical combat injury from his time in the Guard, he suffers with skin irritation and chafing- a condition for which he is medicated.

This is why he wears a soft neckerchief; it is specifically worn to greatly reduce chafing when wearing his collar harness. Naturally, Wheatie has quite a number of these, of various colours and patterns. Plus, his wife thinks it looks cute on him.

When it comes to more personal matters, Wheatsheaf is, of course, heterosexual, and only has eyes for his thestral wife, Moonshadow.


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