
One of the last posts on wanda's mastadon before he died of a heart attack yesterday.


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37 comments posted
Background Pony #DF78
It's not a coincidence that a lot of autists are also pedophiles and plenty have made the leap to being an irl pedo from just drawings. Kids stuff is rampant with it. The arrested development of the brain is the issue, and there's crippling autism in his pics. Putting this up on featured is abysmal taste.
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Background Pony #FB19
A Pedo is a Pedo whether they touch a real child or jerking it to a fictional one, you don’t get to feel special just because you had enough self control to not land yourself in jail, you’re still a freak.

A Faggot or Troon that doesn’t groom a kid or rope themselves isn’t special because they didn’t do it, they’re still far more likely to do it than everyone else around them, and are thus rightfully seen as freaks by normal, non-brainwashed people.

Them leaving this earth is a positive for the rest of humanity, the less freaks around the better. You’ll learn that once you hit 18.
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I see a lot of anonymous children in these comments who can't distinguish fiction from reality.
The lack of life experience is showing.
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Background Pony #194D
The fact of the matter remains, you probably view the Bible in Quran is fiction, yet taking a consideration that if they are fiction, fiction has ultimately influenced reality. Of a more recent idea just look at Chris Chan, and Randy stair.
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Background Pony #ADE2
lol, how can anything that exists not be "associated with real life"? the question is what "real" means to you and why you think video games don't count.

how many times on this site have I read about someone being convinced to suck craigslist dick because of webms… now I'm supposed to believe that another form of media far more immersive doesn't have any power to influence what seems normal or desirable to its consumers?

I think people trot out the "it's not real" line when they simply don't want to think about themselves. There's a reason one chooses to look at loli porn instead of vanilla stuff, and there's a reason one chooses to play shooters instead of mario party or whatever. If there were a well-made game all about killing yourself (there has to be), would you want to make it a big part of your daily routine? Fantasies contain some kind of information about what we want, even if that's not the literal events envisioned; maybe they can provide a low-risk space for exploration, but at some point exploration turns into cultivation…

it's a common notion that habits produce character. if chess can teach discipline and logical thinking then practicing killing model humans can teach that coercion is an acceptable means of conflict resolution. I don't think that's a stretch. That practice may not mean that you are personally going to be a mass shooter, but why wouldn't it affect how you relate to people and how you perceive the everyday violence of the world: rape, interpersonal abuse, cops, military action, horrible labor conditions, and so on?

the brain distinguishes between what's happening and what's imagined to be happening, but not entirely (mirror neurons, for one example). That's why movies and books and mythology can move people so deeply. Even if you could completely divorce vidya from "reality", you'd be taking away what allows it to mean anything.
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2023 Collab -

Site Assistant
this, people pretend to be mad about an artist because they have so little, so nothing to do they can't do anything, they won't tweet a comment about an actual pedophile show like RuPaul or even dare to express their opinions IRL, a guy frustrated with life, who, by the way only posted here for this thread and nothing else.

sorry bro but you're making a fundamental mistake by equating drawings with reality. A drawing is not a person. It has no thoughts, no feelings, no rights, and no victim. Fictional content, no matter how distasteful you personally find it, is not the same as real-life. Please have a bit of critical thinking. Psychology isn’t as simple as «someone drew a thing, therefore they must desire it in real life.» That’s like saying every horror artist secretly wants to murder people or that someone who writes crime novels must secretly enjoy committing felonies [insert Basic Instinct quote here]. People create disturbing art for many reasons, including myself. exploration of taboo, shock value, artistic challenge, or even just to provoke reactions like the one you’re having right now. Successfully. You're also ignoring the context. Gonna repeat this over again, Anime/loli/etc for example, exaggerates kiddie features for stylistic reasons, not necessarily to depict «children» and even, it's still fiction, and is allowed legally and ethically. If you're uncomfortable with it, that’s fine, but discomfort isn’t proof of criminality or mental illness, here we put your feelings in the trash.
The real danger comes from conflating fiction with reality. Actual child abuse is a horrific crime with real victims, and wasting energy policing drawings instead of focusing on real-world cases, with actual pedophiles; which the definition is something you should have studied a bit before this post, only distracts from protecting real children. If you truly care about stopping harm, focus on real threats, not pixels on a screen which actual pedophiles sadly don't care much about, they want the real thing.
Accusing someone wrongly of being a pedophile and everything is implied is just as bad as the shitposter with small dick energy coming to desecrate an artist who can no longer reply. Mentally disturbed? If you present to me your background in psychiatry and psychology I will agree, otherwise your comment has a negative value in relevancy or in interest.
Here, we care about archiving and preserving this artists's works, his artistic choices, and preserve his freedom. Regardless if you or I like it or not.
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Fluttershy enjoyer
I don't know about all that but why would you actually molest a 3DPD nohooves kid when you could breed cute snowpityful fillies instead?
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Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
"guys he wasn't actually into kids, he just drew them naked and unclothed"
Hey I didn't know the guy, and I won't dare look at his artist tag unfiltered but if there really is artwork like that I'm sorry but that's still pedo behavior. Nobody who isn't into kids draws that stuff "Oh well not REAL kids" It's still quite disturbing is it not? Unless someone is getting paid they don't draw THAT stuff. this isn't drawing a war scene with ponies killing each other and saying "he wants to kill people!" no he probably just finds it cool or a way to vent emotions. same with ALL artwork, there is some sort of emotional or monetary tie to all of it.

So I ask how is there a reasonable explanation for someone drawing that terrible shit other then they like it or were paid to do so? and if they (they as in people who do that as a whole) don't care that it's disturbing that also says something about their character does it not? I cannot fathom a reason of any kind to draw that sort of thing. It's weird and creepy and pedophile behavior. Touch real kids? Never said that. it's still seriously mentally disturbed no matter how you put it. Can you agree then that someone who creates pedophilic content obvious likes it? making them.. gasp do I really fucking need to say it? holy shit this site is so fucking stupid I hate all of you
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Background Pony #6762
@Background Pony #F990
If you put this amount of rage into hunting real pedos instead of putting it towards pixels on a screen you could make a genuine change, but instead you waste it impotently shitposting anonymously on a small altbooru.
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Background Pony #F990
@Background Pony #6762
A bullet in your head sounds more your speed nigger.
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Background Pony #F990
Poneless Shut up you stupid baby raping motherfucker, anybody who uses that fiction reality nonsense is just a closeted pedo, trying to hide their true provisions. Neck yourself NOW. Become an hero
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I see comments saying "pedo shit, glad he's dead" but this guy just made drawings. Drawings are not real, whereas he was a real person who died. More harm comes from spitting on the death of a person than from drawing pictures, however distasteful. When you celebrate the death of a stranger for not fitting the ideal of normal, that's extremely braindead behavior, and you degrade yourself by doing it.
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Background Pony #194D
I'm pretty sure drawing cartoon child pornography is worse than saying a Mexican pedophile fillyfag deserved cancer <3
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Background Pony #3166