[bq]Bad End Doods
Just some doodles and ideas for the AU, btw i'm thinking about making a contest, what do you all think??
1) Sad sad tears of a clown, an idea for Harlequin if she gets to a breaking point, similar to how Pinkie gets when she is sad.
2) Apple/Glimmer siblings because i don't draw them enough
"Psh, pesky worms" Crescenta began making poisons as a way to stop worms from eating the apples on the orchard, with time she developed the habit of testing her new poisons on them.
I really like the idea of the Apple kids having dogs, so here is Crimson with his pet, who for now i'm nicknaming Chomper because it sounds cute. Unknown to him, seems like him and his half brother (Cosmic Hope)have a similar taste in capes.
#applejack #mlp #pinkiecord #discord #pinkiepie #mlpfriendshipismagic #discopie #mlpnextgeneration #starlightglimmer #nextgenerationmlp