[bq]Bad End AU: Sweet changeling o' mine.
Hello!! sorry for the little hiatus! I was a bit art blocked haha :,) but here is a long post starring Rainbow and Toxic!! It has been a while since i did something with them so i hope you all enjoy it!.
1) Starting with changing up a bit Toxic’s origin story, to be honest I struggled with a way to make Chrysalis and Rainbow work, but I was never happy with the outcome, so I decided to basically scrape that ship, they are still Toxic’s mothers in a way, but they didn’t had any kind of romantic relationship or feelings towards each other.
Chrysalis knew how convenient a descendant of Rainbow could be, who knew if those darned elements appeared one day, perhaps the offspring could control any, and that would be a huge advantage to her and her fellow villains. But after YEARS of trying to get Rainbow to fall for her, placing her to guard over her “garden”, trying to seduce her, etc, it just wasn’t working, the rainbow mare will was way too strong. Thankfully, there was other way to produce an offspring from both. To Chrysalis delight, it worked perfectly, from just a simple strand of hair and a changeling egg came to be Toxic, a perfect larvae hybrid, perhaps even a worthy ruler of the hive one day, but Chrysalis wasn’t stepping down from her reign, and she had other plans instead for the little baby.
2) “Mother, why can’t I go outside?’”
“The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible selfish ponies. You must stay here, where you’re safe”
The way Chrysalis raised and taught Toxic wasn’t the best in the slightest, confining him to the walls inside of the hive, teaching him that he was superior to the other changelings, and making him believe the ponies were nothing but horrible and selfish, too proud to “share” their love with them and making them starve for centuries.
3) “Mother Chrysalis says that ponies are dumb and smelly and that-Except for you of course!! You are cool Dashie…I guess”.
Her part in the birth of Toxic is unknown to Rainbow, she just knows that since he hatched from his egg, she had been looking after him as her “royal guard” or rather as his “royal nanny”. After years of cleaning snot and acid spit, she cares deeply for the kid, even if she absolutely despises his mom and what he teaches him. Rainbow has tried to teach him stuff about the outside and that no, most ponies are not smelly brutes. Their relationship is more like cool aunt and bratty nephew, Toxic calls Rainbow “Dashie” (only Toxic is allowed to call her that) and Rainbow nicknamed him “Cricket”.
Rainbow and Toxic were chilling in the little changeling bedroom, an odd occurrence since he was as active and daring as the Pegasus herself, and it didn’t seem that he could ever stay in one place for long.
“I’m booored.”
Toxic’s whine reached Rainbow’s ears, making her roll her eyes. “Why don’t we go out and explore the hive?” she suggested, much to the young changeling’s annoyance.
“I don’t wanna…it’s always the same boring hive anyway…” Toxic’s head turned to where Rainbow was seated on the edge of the bed. “Hey…isn’t today that dumb holiday you ponies have? The one that Mother doesn’t like because she says she should have a day too?”
“Oh? Do you mean Nightmare Night? Yeah, it’s today.”
“Then what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be participating?”
“Well I could, if I wasn’t babysitting you.” Answered Rainbow Dash, poking Toxic’s side with her wing. The little changeling scrunched up his face at the word “babysitting.”
“It’s not babysitting! I’m a grown pupa!”
“Alright, alright, calm down. Why are you asking about Nightmare Night all of a sudden, anyway?”
“Well…you told me about it once, and it sounds like fun– even if it’s a pony thing… I wish that I could see what it’s like.”
Toxic’s face fell into sadness. The expression tugged at Rainbow’s heart, an idea beginning to form in her head. Chrysalis would chew her head out if she ever found out, and it was dangerous, but…
“Well, do you WANT to go?” She asked with a smirk.
“Duh!” Toxic replied. “But you know that I’m not allowed to go outside, it’s dangerous and Mother says I’m not ready—“
“It won’t be with me by your side! C’mon, it will be our own little adventure!”
Toxic thought about it for a moment, he was genuinely a bit scared…but he ultimately trusted Rainbow. He suddenly rose from the bed, wings flaring open in excitement. “Alright! Let’s do it, Dashie!!”
Oh, she was going to be chewed out at \best\ if Chrysalis found out about this. Rainbow had managed to sneak Toxic out by the entrance she used to get into the hive and led to the Everfree Forest. Chrysalis had made one entrance specifically for her that didn’t change like all the others, being the only pony to work in the hive. Since she was the only one to use it, there was nobody else around to see them leave. Toxic was mesmerized by the sights of the outside world, so different from the static green walls of the hive.
“Whoa…is this where you live?” he asked, feeling the cool breeze of the night on his exoskeleton. Wonderful wasn’t strong enough a word to describe the new sensation.
“Nah kiddo, this is just the forest. If you are impressed by this, just wait until you get to see Ponyville!”
They walked through the forest, Toxic taking in the mysterious green scenery and unfamiliar plant life until they finally saw the faint glow of the lanterns that lit up Ponyville at night. The streets were brimming with ponies of all ages, most of them showing off their costumes. There was the delicious smell of Nightmare Night treats in the air, apples and spices and pumpkins alike. Toxic couldn’t hide his excitement, his wings flapping at his sides and Rainbow smiling at him.
“So, what would you like to do first?”
“I don’t know! Everything looks so much fun!”
Rainbow chuckled. “Then why don’t we try it all? Let’s go!”
They spent the night playing various games at the stalls across the town; Toxic even got some candy for his impressive changeling “costume.” Maybe ponies weren’t so bad after all! Eventually, Rainbow began to get hungry, and she knew exactly where to get the best caramel apples in town.
“Hey AJ!” she greeted her friend as she trotted to the Apple family treat stall, Toxic in tow at her heels. Lines of ponies trying to get their hooves on some of their delicious apple desserts stood in front. “Busy night, eh?”
“Heya, Rainbow!” Applejack greeted, busy giving an apple strudel to a client. “The busiest night of the year! For me and for Starlight, ya know that she is part of the planning committee, and– oh!“ She looked at the foal at Rainbow’s side. “Who are ya, little one?”
“I’m Prince Venom Toxic Sting of the changelings!” Toxic replied with pride in his voice and his head held up high, just like his mother had taught him.
“Haha, yeah sure you are buddy—-this is my cousin… Cricket! Yeah, Cricket.” Rainbow corrected nervously, nudging Toxic’s side. “He decided to dress up as one this year and he’s taken the costume VERY seriously.”
“Is that so? Well, could I offer the changeling a special caramel apple?” AJ asked while offering them a caramel apple each. “On the house, Rainbow.”
Toxic eyed the apple cautiously, having never tried pony food before. He gave the apple an experimental bite, his face lighting up immediately. “This is SO much better than royal jelly!” He eagerly exclaimed while he devoured the whole apple in seconds. “Can I have another, Dashie?” He gave Rainbow a pleading grin, teeth bared.
Rainbow and AJ shared a look, in awe of the speed the small one had consumed the apple. “Eh..sure buddy.” Rainbow replied with a shrug.
AJ couldn’t hold in her laughter. “Royal jelly? You really are takin’ that costume seriously! Ya even got those huge chompers right, you were lookin’ a might scary when you gave us that smile!”
Scary? What about a changeling would be scary? Toxic didn’t understand, frowning in confusion. “What are you talking about? You think changelings are scary?” He asked while reaching for his second caramel apple.
“Of course they are! They’re real-life monsters, ya know. Sucking out the love out of ponies, thank goodness they stayed out in the Everfree…” AJ trailed off, shaking her head.
Toxic hung his head low, staring at the apple… Changelings, monsters? He’d never heard that before. Mother had always told him that their race was powerful and beautiful, and that’s why the ponies were jealous– not scared. Had Mother actually been wrong?
Rainbow covered him up with a large wing, saying goodbye to AJ and thanking her for the apple. She nudged him in the direction of a bench so that they could eat their caramel apples and rest.
“Hey, you have been real quiet for a while buddy, are you all done? You’ve hardly touched your apple.” Rainbow asked with a point of her hoof, mouth full of the sugary treat.
“N-no it’s good! Really good, it’s just…”
“Yeah? What’s wrong?”
Toxic looked up at her, teary-eyed. “Do you think I’m a monster, Dashie?”
Rainbow blinked, taken aback. “Whaa? Well maybe, sometimes you act like a little monster when you don’t want to listen to me and“
“I’m serious, Dashie! The nice lady at the stall called changelings “monsters”… Is that what I look like to you?”
Rainbow looked to the side, trying to find the right words. As much as she detested the changeling queen and it sucked being stuck in a hive full of them… She loved Toxic. He was different, he had a warmth that she hadn’t found in any other changeling.
She draped a wing over him, pulling him close to her body. “Of course not Cricket, I would never see you as a monster.”
“But she… Why did that pony think changelings are monsters?” He looked up at her, eyes still wide and teary.
Rainbow Dash sighed, still holding him with her wing. “Well, kiddo… Sometimes, when ponies–or changelings– don’t understand something, it scares them.”
Toxic’s face scrunched up, not entirely satisfied. “Then why don’t they just ask?”
Rainbow chuckled at his blunt, naive take on the world. “Heh… Because they’re dumb.” She playfully prodded his side to make him giggle. Much to her delight, it worked.
“So… Changelings aren’t scary?”
Rainbow Dash thought back to the invasion in Canterlot. Cadance’s replacement, the spell placed on Shining Armor, the way Celestia herself had fallen… The screams of fear and pain in the streets as they tried to make their way to the elements. Chrysalis’ cold, cruel smile of triumphant glee as they glared back at her in defiance, almost sure that everything they knew and loved would be destroyed. And then Nightmare Moon had returned, and won, and what they’d feared back then came true. Rainbow Dash had been relinquished into the bug queen’s control like some kind of tool, that same cruel smirk taunting her in her most painful moment as she simultaneously lost her life and her friends– everything. The pegasus sucked in a deep breath.
As always I'd like to thank my wonderful friend TigerLilyKitty for helping me with the editing of the post and story. Thank you so so so much!! : D
The background i used: "![nightmare night background by thediscorded":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/97035cf5-3366-45f3-b12a-ce2b2bc4c06f/d58fpvp-6e811caa-3f69-4323-af12-11038c15e69e.png/v1/fit/w_150,h_150,q_70,strp/nightmare_night_background_by_thediscorded_d58fpvp-150.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTI3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOTcwMzVjZjUtMzM2Ni00NWYzLWIxMmEtY2UyYjJiYzRjMDZmXC9kNThmcHZwLTZlODExY2FhLTNmNjktNDMyMy1hZjEyLTExMDM4YzE1ZTY5ZS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.NwM2iYG3xNugLa2jJEghNlQdFT2XDgxICgsUH9o_sX4(https://www.deviantart.com/thediscorded/art/nightmare-night-background-316501189 "nightmare night background by thediscorded, Jul 23, 2012 in Scraps")
#mlp #nextgen #chrysalis #mylittlepony #rainbowdash #mlpfim #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpfriendshipismagic #rainbowdashmlp #mlpnextgeneration #queenchrysalis