Windy: I don’t think so, I know so, sweetie. You do really spectacular stunts with your scooter, you and your friends help other fillies out, you always by your friends’ side when they need support and you’re really brave at telling your family about your problems.
Scootaloo: Well, the first three ones, true…the last one though…
Windy: Honey… Admitting that you are hurt, scared, upset or even crying because of it is completely ok and not a sign of weakness. Even strong heroes know not to bottle up their pain and emotions, afraid of what somepony might think of them, especially in front of their family.
Scootaloo: Looking down Mm…
Windy: And don’t let what other ponies say get to you. If they can’t deal with it, then that’s their own fault. Smiles warmly And if they try to harass you, we’ll back you up and protect you, dearie.
Scootaloo: Smiles Aw, thanks, Mom. Rainbow and I are really lucky to have you and Dad.
Windy: Giggles I think you’ll find that we’re the ones who are lucky to have you and Dashie. You two are our pride and joy.
Scootaloo: I love you, Mommy.
Windy: I love you too, my gleaming starbright. My brave little scout. My little angelcake. My priceless little treasure. My courageous crusader. I love you so much. Your father, your big sister and I will love you forever and ever. I promise I’ll always be your Mommy no matter what happens.
Scootaloo: And I’ll always be your daughter, Mom!
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original family pass away.
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts, Molt Down Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) are not canon. ___ Base Used: