This episode is taking a while to make for a number of reasons, so I'm posting the first page now, as a teaser, and to make sure you all know that I'm still alive and working on the comic. :) It'll probably be a couple of weeks before the next page comes out.
If you're curious as to why it's taking so long, a big part of it is that this episode is long (It may end up being longer than the nine pages stated in the comic header), and has a lot of props and environments, as well as a lot of dialogue. Don't worry, it has sexy times! But I generally don't start releasing an episode until I have all of the pages at least roughed out.
Previous Episode: 62 >3504104 Next Episode: 63 >> coming eventually! My website with all of my comics: All of my comics and episodes here on derpibooru: >2579826