Panel 1 (Midnight Gamer) “Alright Wild Card when I win you and the others will be locked on sybian’s at full speed for 24 hours and if you beat me I will let all 3 of you do with me as you please for 1 week deal?” (Wild Card) “Mmph Mnphphrmphph N nccmpph mmph’ph phph” Yes Mistress I accept let’s start (Nitro Boost) “gnnn mnch MMnmn Cnrn” good luck Wild Card (Playmate) “Mnn gnph phhnph” You got this
Panel 2 (Midnight Gamer) “WHAT? did That just happen how I lose?” (Wild Card) removes her ball gag “Well Mistress a bet is a bet time to pay up” (Playmate) “MMPHPHPH PHHNPH NPH GNNNG PHN HM N FNN MMMMH” YESSS THIS IS GOING TO BE A FUN WEEK (Nitro Boost) “N cnn'ph hmmnmfm phhnph mmnrhmn” I can't believe that worked
Panel 3 (Nitro Boost) “Don’t tell Mistress about cheat codes I found you so you would win the bet” (Wild Card) “Are you kidding you know what Mistress will do to all 3 of us if she finds out we are just lucky we put noise proof headphones on her” (Playmate) “oh this is going to be a fun week” (Midnight Gamer) “Hnmm nnn N mnphm phhnph n gnmm N nmfmr mnphm nph phhnph gnmm?” _ How did I lose that a game I never lose at that game?_