We should try to learn more about the Kirin and their culture. That makes the museum of local history our first choice. And we should probably reassure our guide that she doesn't have to translate every single exhibition text for us.
Interested in learning more about the Kirin, you suggest starting with the museum of local history, and your party agrees…
You unequip Blue Cloak of Feather Fall.
You arrive at the museum and store your belongings at the entrance. The interior of the building is brightly lit and decorated, yet peacefully uncrowded. From afar, you see countless pieces of local history proudly displayed upon counters and shelves, each given its own space and labelled with an informative scroll.
Tsu-Ko: "Welcome to the Yinshin-Pintai's museum of local history!"
Honourshine: "Is there an entrance fee we should be concerned about?"
Tsu-Ko: "No, it's a public museum. Why would you have to pay to learn about history? Being educated benefits everyone."
Honourshine: "Perhaps, but some would argue that any knowledge has its price."
-+=-Tsu-Ko__: "Well, it's true; you won't learn anything if you don't pay attention. Now come on, let's check out the exhibits."
Your small group begins to wander about the museum, moving from one eye-catching piece to another, while your sprite companion kindly translates the labels out loud for you.
One exhibit displays the crown of the first unicorn princess of the Nan Yunjishan kingdom, which translates to Southern Mountains Where Clouds Land, from around 12,000 BE (Before Empire).
The tarnished headdress is of simple design, and bears only a single aquamarine _as to complement, but not distract from, the princess's beauty*. It rests atop the princess's royal journal, the latter's embroidered binding long having faded back to its natural colours.
Honourshine: "I'd heard that the Kirin had extensive records of history, but this is impressive. Most of our own history falls into legend after mere centuries."
Tsu-Ko: "When your kingdom's worth is determined by its culture, history suddenly has more value. You could say it was a neighbourly competition for the longest time."
Another exhibit presents a pair of paintings depicting a village at the bottom of a valley under a clear sky, and the same village in ruins at the bottom of a deep river, from around 8,000 BE.
According to the label, the kingdom suffered a century-long drought following the birth of a colossal Cloud Eater. When the beast was finally slain, torrential rain flooded the kingdom for several years. Villages were rebuilt higher along the steep mountainsides where they remain to this day.
Moonflower: "Whoa, harsh bud! Those Eaters sound like a lotta trouble."
Tsu-Ko: "They are. They're the main reason why foreigners like you aren't allowed outside of town."
As you and your friends continue to look at various old paintings, earthware and tools, your attention is drawn to a sword on display, its perfectly black blade sparkling like a starry night sky.
From what your sprite companion tells you, the weapon was forged from a single grain of sand by the greater demon Senoha of the Endless Blades. It was a gift bestowed upon the ronin Star Wolf for slaying ten thousand Devourers around 4,000 BE.
Honourshine: "A gift from a greater demon? Was it cursed or something?"
Tsu-Ko: "Cursed? No, it's one of Senhoa's weapons; a blade so sharp it can cut through the very fabric of reality. He is known to reward feats of combat with gifts like these. It's his thing. Speaking of Senoha…"
Not far from there, another exhibit displays what looks like a splash of black liquid frozen in time, with rainbows reflecting upon its surface.
You learn that it is in fact a piece of obsidian that was formed when the greater demon Senoha, during a fight against greater demon Rakuseki, sliced a mountain in half in a decisive swing of his sword in 2,000 BE. The levelled mountain would later become the building ground of Yinshin-Pintai, capital of the kingdom.
You remark that while demons seem to have a bad reputation, some — like Senoha — sound rather benevolent.
Tsu-Ko: "I wouldn't say that. Some demons may seem helpful from time to time, but don't let that trick you; they really only do whatever benefits them personally."
Honourshine: "… Hm. If they are anything like the Dwarves, then I suppose it isn't entirely difficult to believe."
As all the information you have memorized thus far threatens to jump out of the other ear, you consider whether there is anything specific you would like to learn about.
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