Dani the Pegasus Filly!
##### Character Sheet for Dani Sapphire
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| —————— | ——————-|
| Nickname(s) | Dani, Gem |
| Sex/Gender | Female — She/Her |
| Species |Pegasus, Crystal Pony|
| Age | 8 — Cannot Age |
Character Description
Dani is a bright young filly who resides in the Ponyville orphanage, a caring place she's been staying ever since her escape from the Crystal Empire.
This, of course, is after the curse was placed on her. (read background/history for context!)
Determined, can be skittish at times, will not back down from a fight despite her size and physical age, her mental age is well above an adult mare's.
She loves chatting with other foals in the orphanage, whenever she's able to go outside, she enjoys birdwatching or watching Rainbow Dash zip by. One of her absolute favorite desserts is pie, specifically apple pie.
She hates any mention of the Crystal Empire, the nightmares she has about it, and she undoubtedly hates the curse put upon her. (she also hates stink bugs)
She's a former crystal pony who escaped the Crystal Empire while Sombra reigned as King.
She was found after escaping into the icy north by none other than the Umbrum himself (Sombra), and a curse was placed on her.
While this did give her age-based immortality, that meant she had to stay the same age forever, and watch her friends and loved ones all perish.
Immortality always sounded like a terrifying burden to the filly, and her nightmare became a sad reality.
Her relatives were casualties when the Crystal Empire was being attacked, so sadly she has none.
Dani has a soft blue coat with ombre wings, fading into a soft purple along with the insides of her ears. Her mane and tail are a nice ruby red with a few light pink stripes in them. Her eyes are a nice shade of oak brown and her hooves are a slight darker blue.
She wears a scarf occasionally!
Control (Ironic, right?), Choking, Horn-fucking (horn in pussy), Reigns/Restraints
Bisexual — Male attraction leaning, Hypersexual
Horse pussy :)
Sexual Description
Her mind has matured even though her body hasn't, so she's practically in a state of forever-puberty. She actually embraces her hypersexuality as a way to cope with her trauma from the Crystal Empire.
Dani the Pegasus
This is Dina (Working on an "accurate" name), my MLP sona! I don't do a lot of pony work, but this gal has been through a ton of redesigns, so I wanted to show off her newest design! Story is a work in progress