Summary: Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts continue their fight with their fallen leader, Spitfire, now giant-sized and a lot tougher.
Spitfire has escaped from her enemies after she used smoke gas to prevent them from catching up. Now, she is hiding behind the Custom House building, holding the growth potion safe in her hooves.
"Man, those ponies are so annoying and are such a pain. But luckily enough, I got something for them when I drink this growth potion in a couple seconds." She says while breathing heavily.
Seeing Rainbow and her other friends nowhere near her, Spitfire knew it was best that she drinks the potion before they can find her in time. And so, she decided to drink the potion as fast as she could and drank all of it.
Now feeling very satisfied with herself, Spitfire sees herself growing and she starts to grow even faster until she has gotten even bigger than everything around her.
"There, now that's more like it." She said with an evil smirk.
The tinies react in shock as they witnessed the brainwashed pegasus become more bigger and even more powerful and dangerous. Worse, she even looked down at them with a glare, pure hatred inside her as her red eyes means that she has to kill under Daybreaker's orders, as well as destroying the city along with it in the process, making sure Shanghai was gone.
"Better start running, you worthless humans because here I come! This city will be gone once I destroy all of this place!" Spitfire laughed evilly as she fired her eye lasers at some buildings, destroying them, and killing anyone inside.
"Run for the hills, there's an evil giant pony attacking the city!" One man shouted and panicked as he ran away from the enormous pegasus pony who trampled on vehicles and knocked over a few buildings in her path so she could impressed with her destruction even further.
"Don't worry, I promise that you tinies will all die and we evil ponies don't like you humans, and you must be eliminated!" Spitfire told the tinies that she will crush them like bugs they really are.
Rainbow Dash and the others realize now that they are seeing Dark Spitfire extremely bigger.
"Oh, no. This is not good, everypony. She's huge and gone wild, too!" Rainbow Dash warns her fellow Wonderbolts that Spitfire is starting to become more dangerous and things are really getting out of hooves. "I knew we should've stopped those evil alicorns from giving her that stupid potion! This is just totally ridiculous!"
"Nothing we can do except fight her together and stop her rampage at all costs." Fleetfoot suggests they all stick as one group and free Spitfire from the darkness taking control over her and revert her back to her regular size. "Teamwork is what matters and there's no turning back right now."
"Use everything we have within us to take her down!" Thunderlane speaks with a brave and determined expression, ready for the next battle.
"Wonderbolts, assemble!" Rainbow Dash and the rest take flight and fight their fallen leader again.
Dark Spitfire has continued her destructive path and those who have been caught inside any buildings she destroyed with her eye lasers means they have died. She kept stomping and destroy more things along the way, such as vehicles.
As all went according to plan, the evil pegasus looks back at the dark sky looking at the moon behind her.
"Not one single human must live! Every human will be erased and die before my hooves!" Dark Spitfire says while stomping through the city, stepping on buildings and cars under her massive hooves and left them there as useless trash on the ground. "As long as I remain huge, I will forever be unstoppable and no one can stop me!"
"That's what you think!" Someone's voice called out from behind the massive brainwashed pegasus.
Figuring out whose voice that was, Dark Spitfire turns around and realizes it is Rainbow, Fleetfoot, Thunderlane, Misty Fly and Soarin' getting in her way again, angering her.
"All of you again?" Spitfire asks with an annoyed expression on her face, having forgotten Rainbow and her friends are still alive. "I promise you little fools that I'm gonna crush you five ponies like a flat pancake! You'll regret underestimating the strongest pegasus!"
"Spitfire, you will not destroy Shanghai! You will not stay evil forever! The fight between us and you ends right here, right now!" Thunderlane declared war against the massive brainwashed pegasus.
"You can't keep up my power. I'm made of fire and I can just blow anything away using fire powers from my mouth." Spitfire laughs evilly, firing fire from her mouth, aiming at Thunderlane and his friends.
"Get outta the way, everyone!" Rainbow Dash warned her teammates, dodging Spitfire's fire attacks.
Having escaped her attack, Spitfire's fire targeted a building nearby, destroying it in a single blast. This only angered Spitfire even more, showing more hatred towards her former friends.
Spitfire shoots eye lasers from her eyes, taking aim at Soarin' and Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash pushed Soarin' aside and then quickly kicks Spitfire's dangerous attack a different direction, saving her and her friends' lives from death.
"Man, she's fierce and tough alright. A very tough one indeed." Fleetfoot tells Rainbow Dash about how huge Spitfire is in size and power, as well as having her usual personality that has gotten even more dangerous on higher levels. "Her under Daybreaker's dark spell is only making her powers go at the maximum level, not to mention, we can't even handle her if we keep on fighting her. She's only gonna get more mad the more we fight her."
"So what? That doesn't mean give up! We're gonna keep fighting whether you like it or not!" Soarin' angrily charged at Giant Dark Spitfire in an attempt to attack with her a punch.
Unfortunately, Dark Spitfire encountered with a stronger punch of her, along with a kick, sending Soarin' flying far away from the others.
"This is just a waste of time." Dark Spitfire grew bored and was close to destroying Shanghai completely, feeling so tired of dealing with Rainbow Dash and her friends, who are pushing her to the extreme limits.
"We better think of something fast before she ends up being victorious, everyone." Rainbow Dash suggests they come up with a plan in order to free Spitfire from Daybreaker's mind control and return her back to normal.
Fleetfoot comes up with an idea of her own mind, and then tells Rainbow Dash and the others with advice: "Rainbow, me and the rest will attack at once and you try attacking Spitfire from behind."
"Are you sure this will work, Fleetfoot?" Rainbow Dash asks, looking unsure.
"Don't worry, I promise we will get this one right. We work together and save the captain from the darkness inside her." Fleetfoot said with confidence, letting her know she has trust and pride that this plan of hers will not screw up.
"Okay, let's get this going, everyone! Time to hit the road!" Rainbow Dash orders her fellow Wonderbolt friends to get the job running and free Spitfire from Daybreaker's control.
Dark Spitfire defends herself, using her two front hooves to block all the attack coming from Misty Fly, Soarin', Thunderlane and Fleetfoot. She only just laughed at everyone's pitiful attacks consisting of kicks and punches. She then pushed them all away with two hooves.
Rainbow Dash, however, was still behind, having dashed her way out quick as she could. She came charging forward with a super kick, kick the larger pegasus twice.
Dark Spitfire smirked and didn't even feel Rainbow's attacks. She eventually used her front right hoof to hit Rainbow hard, though the latter jumped and fly up before she could even get her hooves on her.
"You just don't know when to quit, do you?" Dark Spitfire turns her head directly towards Rainbow, who wasn't backing down either. "You might be the fastest pegasus, but I'm still the strongest pegasus at this moment. You and your friends will be absolutely be nothing by the time I kill every single one of you, beginning with you Rainbow Dash!"
"Not on my watch! You won't be killing any of us tonight, Spitfire!" Rainbow Dash argued back with the brainwashed Spitfire, refusing to give up and lose any hope of surrendering. "We'll bring you back on the rightful side where you belong!"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! I don't need any of you! I will never be on the same side as you!" Dark Spitfire shouted in anger, swinging her front left arm at Rainbow Dash, but she missed.
Misty Fly, Soarin', Thunderlane and Fleetfoot all watch as Rainbow still continues her fight with the fallen captain of the Wonderbolts.
Soarin' looks at Misty Fly, asking, "You're thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I agree. We better intervene and help her out before she might get injured in the process." Misty Fly responds with a determined expression, deciding she and the others should assist Rainbow Dash before the fallen leader tries ending Rainbow's life.
The four remaining Wonderbolts go after the larger pegasus and prepare for an all-out attack at the same time. Dark Spitfire, on the other hoof, fires her eye lasers at Rainbow Dash multiple times, but Rainbow kept flying out of the way fast as possible in a matter of seconds.
"SPITFIRE!!!" Fleetfoot screamed out Spitfire's name as she and others came charing towards for a kick at once. They kicked her, but it still did nothing at all, though Spitfire was left with more anger.
"I told you not to get in my way!" Dark Spitfire warned Fleetfoot and the others for getting in the way of her plans.
As a result, Dark Spitfire set her sights on Thunderlane and the others for a time. She fired her eye lasers towards the other four Wonderbolts, attempting to kill them, but they keep dodging them every time, leaving her more frustrated.
However, Rainbow thought of a technique that could stop Dark Spitfire. A few seconds later, she believed her special move called the "Rainbow Tornado" would work. "Time to use my Rainbow Tornado technique on her once and her for all!" She said, preparing to spin her fallen captain friend dizzy and get her to snap out of it.
Dark Spitfire tries unsuccessfully targeting Fleetfoot first and kill her. Unbeknownst to her, Rainbow came spinning her around, leaving her unable to attack Rainbow's friends. She was so dizzy, she was left vulnerable and couldn't attack any further.
"Here, catch!" Thunderlane tosses a shrink ray for Rainbow Dash, which she eventually catches in her hooves.
"Thanks!" Rainbow replies in happiness before paying her attention towards Spitfire.
Preparing to get her fallen friend on the true side that she belongs, Rainbow Dash pressed the button on the shrink ray, aiming at Spitfire, hitting her with it. Spitfire began shrinking while still feeling dizzy and then returned to her regular size.
Seeing there's an opening attack, Rainbow Dash flies down fast hoping she can get Spitfire on the good side again. She kicked her in the stomach to knock her out.
Spitfire fell to the ground and got pushed backed a little.
Thunderlane, Misty Fly, Soarin' and Fleetfoot all cheer for Rainbow Dash as she defeated their fallen leader and returned to her to normal size. They, alongside, Rainbow Dash, fly down to check in on Spitfire and make sure she's back on the good side once again. They hope that when Spitfire opened her eyes, they were regular.
"Did it work? Is she back on our side?" Soarin' asks Rainbow Dash as he still wants to know if everything has worked.
"I don't know, but it better has worked, or otherwise we could be in danger in case I failed." Rainbow Dash only could tell whether or not Spitfire has been redeemed.
"Please say something!" Misty Fly wanted to hear something from the unconscious Spitfire.
Spitfire let out a groaning sound in pain, feeling exhausted before standing up on all four hooves. Wondering if she is on the side of light or not is initially unclear. However, at the time Spitfire's eyes awakened, they turn out to be her regular colors and are no longer red.
"Yes! We freed her from Daybreaker's control! I knew Rainbow could do it!" Thunderlane jumped up with happiness as he watched Spitfire back on the good side.
"Glad you're with us, Spitfire! Thank heavens!" Misty Fly hugs Spitfire with a tear in her left eye, feeling so proud that she has her leader back on the side where is meant to be. "If it wasn't for Rainbow, we probably could've lost you as a friend forever, you know?"
Spitfire has finally come to her senses, knowing what has been happening to her all along.
"What happened? What's going on? What am I doing here?" Spitfire asked her friends about has happened to the city of Shanghai.
"You were being mind controlled by Daybreaker and she turned you evil, and became a villain in the process." Rainbow Dash begins her explanation to Spitfire on how everything started that resulted in Spitfire becoming evil. "You let the darkness took over you that you eventually turned into a giant as well. You couldn't control yourself, and with one of my techniques involving a tornado, I brought you back on the side with us, and now, you're no longer on the dark side, Spitfire."
Spitfire looks at the destruction she has caused while she was under mind control and turns to her friends, asking, "So I was the one caused who the destruction?"
Rainbow, Misty Fly, Fleetfoot, Thunderlane and Soarin' nod their heads with a "yes", letting Spitfire know it was basically her who did all the massive destruction throughout the city of Shanghai. Feeling guilt and remorse inside her, Spitfire walked away with sadness, saying to her friends, "I don't think I can be the captain of this team anymore…"
"No, don't give yourself up as the captain. We need you still. You are important to me and all the Wonderbolts. You've taught me very well for years that made me become a Wonderbolt later on." Rainbow Dash stands in Spitfire's way, comforting her that she still means a lot to her.
"I guess you're right." Spitfire replies, finally understanding that Rainbow and the others still need her to be captain so they can continue protecting everyone else from danger whenever it strikes.
"We better get out of here. I wanna get some rest when we return to our own world." Fleetfoot says, getting tired and wishes to leave Shanghai already.
"I'm feeling the same way, too. I gotta read one of my Daring Do books on the way." Rainbow agrees.
All six pegasus ponies fly up into the dark sky and hoping they can return into Equestria and get some rest after all the disastrous night occurring in Shanghai tonight.
Back at the evil alicorns' hideout…
"It appears that Rainbow Dash and her Wonderbolt friends have freed their fallen leader, from what I've heard on the news lately, sister." Nightmare Moon tells Daybreaker what has happened lately in Shanghai, and that Spitfire is longer on the dark side anymore.
"Why do those wretched fools always being freeing their fallen friends from my control? They've gone way too far this time!" Daybreaker shouted with frustration as she lost Spitfire from her control, leaving her outraged. "They almost win at everything! I'm so tired of Twilight and her friends. They will be dead once I deal with them!" She added.
"Shall me, Luna and Cadance deal with Rainbow now?" Dark Princess Celestia asked Daybreaker, offering some help in destroying Rainbow Dash and her Wonderbolt friends.
"No. It's best that we let it go for tonight." Daybreaker rejects Dark Celestia's offer in tracking down Rainbow and her friends. "Me and Nightmare Moon have something better and we will make it more harder for Twilight and the others the next time they try and stop our plans."
Nightmare Moon has came up with an idea on what to do next tomorrow. She reveals to her team with her plan in mind, "We shall target Fire Flare and find her somewhere hiding in the real world."
"Excellent choice, Nightmare Moon!" Daybreaker likes her sister's idea, deciding they carry out their next plan tomorrow so that it doesn't get messed up. "Celestia, Luna, Cadance! You three will track down Fire Flare and bring her to me so I can turn her evil and make she remains forever! They freed her twice, but they will not free her from my control for a third time!"
"Understood!" Celestia, Luna and Cadance all replied, accepting the latest assignment from Daybreaker in capturing a pony who was freed twice before.
"Twilight might have trained hard for these past three months, but when she arrives tomorrow, we got a surprise for her that will leave her and her friends forced to accept defeat in the very end! I promise them all that…!" Daybreaker promised the Mane Six it would be the last mistake they will ever make, trying to free most of their friends from her control.