Let's get some more information about demons. Not to discredit our guide, but having met Discord, Equestria's own residential spirit of chaos turned ally, maybe what the people here call demon isn't that far off and you just have to apply some generous amounts of Friendship to really get along with one…
After hearing so much about demons, you decide to visit the museum of demonology next. If some of the greatest villains in Equestrian history could eventually find redemption, then you figure that there's a chance some demons could as well.
Tsu-Ko: "What a preciously naive thing to believe…"
When you arrive at the museum, you find that it is not unlike the one you just previously visited; each exhibit is spaciously displayed in a plain and orderly manner, allowing visitors to navigate between objects of interest freely and without distractions.
However, most of the exhibits appear to be paintings and sculptures, akin to an art gallery. The works of art depict creatures of all kinds, from terrifying monsters to cutesy critters, including a few household items.
Tsu-Ko: "These are all kinds of Devourers. Think of them as the critters of the Underworld. Instead of birds, rabbits and squirrels, they have Sound Eaters, Colour Eaters and Heat Eaters."
Honourshine: "How many kinds are there?"
Tsu-Ko: "Thousands! The ones you see here are only some of the locals. Each province has its own flavour of danger."
Curious, you decide to take a closer look at some of the Devourers of the Nan Yunjishan province. Between a tree that walks around on its spider-like roots, an adorable little feathered rodent, a massive living suit of armour, and what looks like an ordinary umbrella, you realize just how easily each could blend into all kinds of different environments.
Tsu-Ko: "Some of them are nearly impossible to identify, even to a seasoned warrior — but Devourers typically strike first, which is what gives them away."
Moonflower: "What kinda Eater's the umbrella?"
Tsu-Ko: "That's a Weight Eater. It is disguised as an umbrella, but if you wear one on your back while you're out in the rain, it'll latch onto you. Then, you'll slowly become lighter and lighter until the wind blows you away."
Honourshine: "… Hm. I've never had an irrational fear of umbrellas until now."
Tsu-Ko: "Well, lucky for you, both of your friends have wings. I presume they aren't just for show?"
You nod, and assure Tsu-Ko that both you and Moonflower can fly.
Tsu-Ko: "Good. Maybe you're not completely useless after all."
Ignoring that perfectly genuine compliment, you decide to move on to a different section where most of the exhibits are paintings of ponies. You notice that among the beautiful portrayals of pretty mares and handsome stallions lurk some unsettling elements — a misplaced limb here, or a missing face there.
Then, your attention is captured by one particular artwork: a large tapestry of a lone unicorn mare standing atop a cliff's edge, and flanked by a shadowy figure. You learn that it is a depiction of the Black Wind, the omen that preceded a great tragedy in the province's history.
According to the label, Princess Typha was the only heir to the throne, yet it is said that her heart was stolen by an unknown demon. One night in 244 BE, she eloped with her lover from the Underworld, and left the kingdom in a succession crisis. For the next two centuries, the noble houses bickered for power while chaos reigned over the land.
It was only after the Shunji War, which resulted in the separation of demons and mortals, that peace was brought to the then-province.
Honourshine: "They were unable to elect a single leader in over two centuries?"
Tsu-Ko: "Royal succession is important, you know — nopony who wants to be a ruler is fit to be one."
That said, you can't help but wonder how a single dragon seemingly fixed every problem on the island, especially one who is said to live in the sun.
Tsu-Ko: "A single dragon? You know what primordial beings are, don't you?"
You deduce that they are very old creatures who are also very large, but the tiny hoof dragging across the sprite's face tells you that your definition is not satisfactory.
Tsu-Ko: "Very old? They were born with this world — they are a fundamental part of it, even, just like the earth and the sky! And you should know that they are the all-knowing guardians who keep the balance between light and dark, without which life couldn't exist."
Moonflower: "Whoa! They sound super important."
Honourshine: "Indeed… yet one of them chooses to simply govern over an island?"
Tsu-Ko: "Did you miss the part where the island is swarming with creatures from the Underworld? The influence of darkness is too strong here to be left unchecked, which is why he intervened."
You ask Tsu-Ko if there is such a thing as a museum of national history, or somewhere you can learn more about dragons such as the Emperor.
Tsu-Ko: "Most of the provinces like to keep their own pieces of history. The broad strokes are written in books you can find in libraries, but not even your lewd hairpin is enough to make me translate one of those for you. As for the dragons, that's what temples are for."
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