The Night Princess awoke to find herself in a small prison cell without any windows. The only source of light in the cramped space was the blue flames blazing from the torches hanging from the walls. Luna strained to move around to investigate her surroundings, but found even that simple task difficult to achieve.
Luna was bound in an inflatable latex suit colored in a deep shade of blue, and the front of the suit even sported her cutie mark. She also felt that her mouth was crammed with a leathery object that prevented her from speaking. She twitched her jaws and felt her teeth, and reasoned that a thick bit gag was adorned around the lower half of her face. Luna huffed through her nostrils as she paced uncomfortably around her cell in the high-heel shoes she was wearing, which was undoubtedly another humiliation tactic in itself.
The door of her cell suddenly swung open, and Luna craned her neck to see a tall, lean figure stalk into the room. She identified her supposed captor as a goblin, judging by his pointy ears and jagged tail. The goblin was dressed in dark robes, and he wore a silvery mask that glistened in the torchlight of Luna's cell.
"I see you are awake," the goblin guard hissed. "I hope you enjoyed your beauty rest, Your Highness. Duties to the throne cannot be doing your complexion any favors."
Luna let out a low growl from beneath her gag.
"Ah, this will not do. Allow me." the goblin reached forward and gingerly pulled the bit gag from Luna's mouth, letting it dangle loosely around her neck.
"Whoever you are, I hope you're aware of the severity of your actions," Luna gritted. "Kidnapping a member of Equestrian royalty is an offense punishable by banishment or life in the dungeons."
The goblin chuckled darkly. "Most ironic, considering where you are right now, Moon Goddess."
Luna rolled her eyes at the witty remark. "Get to the point as to why you have brought me here. Are you looking for a ransom? Hoping to seize power for yourself? You wish to send a political message to my sister or our subjects?"
"Very well-versed in hostage situations, I see."
"This is not my first abduction," Luna retorted. And something tells me it will not be the last, she then thought to herself.
"Well, to answer your question, Lord Tirek has set forth a new plot to topple the Equestrian hierarchy and claim the kingdom as his own," the goblin stated.
"So, basically, just your typical Saturday."
"…You seem confident that my master's plan will not reach fruition."
Luna smirked. "We have allies who have thwarted his agenda in the past. I have every confidence that this time will be no different."
The golbin reeled back, before shifting back into his haughty demeanor. "Perhaps. But in the meantime, Lord Tirek has your sister and the Elements of Harmony running in a wild cockatrice chase across Equestria searching for you. However, where you are, they will have no hopes of ever finding you. My master has seen to that personally."
Luna pursed her lips, standing defiant in her bound form. "This must be where you brag of my impending doom, and how all of Equestria shall succumb to your master's rule. Or how I should merely forego hoping for a chance of freedom, yes?"
The goblin folded his arms. "Quite the master of sass, even in the face of danger."
The Night Princess shrugged. "You experience one set of gloating henchmen, hardly anything afterward fazes you."
The goblin silently stared at her through his mask, before he chuckled again as he snapped his finger. An aura of magic surrounded Luna's feet, until her ankles were chained to the floor with a pair of shackles.
"As long-lived as you may be, princess… We have ways of breaking even the strongest spirits." the goblin leaned forward and shoved the bit gag back into Luna's mouth.
"Nhhff! Rhllshh mhh ah ohnsh!!" Luna protested through her gagged lips.
"My, my, still feisty as ever." The goblin purred as he cupped Luna's chin in his hand, eliciting an enraged growl from the lunar monarch. "Once we're done with you, you'll practically be begging for mercy."
"Ahh bhhg th nhhnn," Luna seethed.
At that moment, two more goblins entered her cell. Luna's eyes widened a smidge when she noticed one of them holding a leather leash in his hands.
"We'll see about that." the goblin guard turned to his compatriots. "Escort her to the mill. Some hard work ought to teach her a lesson in manners."
Luna grunted and shouted as the pair of guards held her in place while the collar of the leash was fastened around her neck. One guard traced his hands around Luna's thighs and rear end, which earned him an icy stare from the bound princess. The shackles on Luna's ankles were unlocked, before the guard holding her leash tugged her none-too-gently out of her cell. Rage and embarrassment coursed through Luna's veins, but she resigned herself to her current situation given her lack of options.
The trio of goblins escorted Luna down a dark, winding cobblestone tunnel lined with lit torches. Luna huffed as she tried keeping up with her captors, as the one holding her leash yanked her forward each time she lagged behind. Another guard walked up beside her as he "innocently" brushed his gloved hand along the surface of her buttcheek. Luna muffled curses and death threats at the guards for the next few minutes, before the group finally came to a stop. Sweat beaded on Luna's forehead as she gazed at the large wooden door before them. Two of the guards opened the door which revealed a large room with a gigantic millstone in the center. A single stone handle jutted out from one end of the mill, which was tied with thick leather cables with heavy-duty carabiner hooks attached at the ends.
One goblin nudged Luna forward. "Lord Tirek requires the minerals from these caverns for his latest weapon. So start digging."
Luna gave the guard an incredulous stare. The guard, in turn, spanked Luna's bum as his partner tugged her leash forward.
"That was no request, Your Highness," the goblin drawled.
Two of the guards ushered Luna towards the mill stone, where they clipped the hooks to the metal loops that lined the sides of her rubbery suit. One guard then tied the other end of her leash to the mill's handle, completely binding her to the medieval device. The first goblin guard climbed onto the top of the millstone and sat atop it like a throne. He then brandished a long leathery whip, tracing its surface as he stared lustfully at Luna's bound figure.
"Start plowing, horse," the goblin commanded.
"Ehschuuse mhh??" Luna arched a brow at the goblin.
In response, the goblin swung the elongated whip forward, causing it to strike Luna right on her ass. Luna let out a pained yelp behind her gag as the other guards chortled at her predicament.
"Plenty more where that came from if you keep acting like a bad girl, horse," the goblin with the whip threatened. "Now, dig."
Luna huffed through her nose, staring anxiously at the whip. She then looked over at the other goblins who relished in every second of her torture. Sagging her taut shoulders, Luna grunted as she pulled the lever of the millstone forward. She clamped her teeth on her gag as she strained to pull the mill forward. Within seconds, the millstone rotated in Luna's direction as it burrowed deeper into the dirt. Luna continued pulling the mill as if she were a wily farm animal, doing her best to ignore the burning pain in her legs as she tugged the heavy object behind her. After completing one rotation, Luna sank to her knees, gasping for breath. A swift strike at her behind nearly caused her to faceplant into the dirt.
"Did I say you were finished, horse?" asked the goblin seated on the mill. "You dig until I say you're done."
Luna grumbled indignantly as she forced herself upright and began pulling the millstone again. Her face was coated in sweat beads as she strained with all her might to move the millstone. The hooks and cables binding her to the lever showed no signs of breaking, and her mobile latex prison remained intact. Whatever materials Tirek's cronies used to craft her restraints, they obviously didn't want to take any chances of Luna escaping.
Suddenly, another strike to her ass snapped Luna out of her thoughts. She darted her head to see the goblin teasingly dangling the whip in his grasp.
"I figured you needed some incentive to put the extra effort in your hard work," the goblin commented.
"Bhhk yhhu!!" Luna fired back.
Another slash against her aching bum caused her to wince and yelp in pain.
"Keep it up, and you can forget about sitting for the next few months, horse."
One larger goblin suddenly stepped forward and looped his arm around Luna's waist. "You know, this is getting quite boring to watch."
"Are you not taking pleasure in the sight before you?" the goblin with the whip retorted.
"Oh, I am. But something tells me the little princess here is nearly spent from all this manual labor." he pulled on Luna's cosmic hair as he forced her to make eye contact with him. "It will do no one any good to kick a horse while they're down."
Had Luna not been gagged, she would have spit a large wad of saliva in the sleazy guard's eye.
"Well, what did you have in mind?"
The tall goblin leered at Luna through the eyeholes of his mask. "I feel that this strong horse deserves a treat for her work, does she not?"
A few minutes later, the silence of the ominous dungeons was broken by the deafening sounds of the muffled shouts and grunts that came from inside Luna's cell.
The taller goblin lay flat on his back as Luna was positioned right on top of his lap. The goblin thrusted his hips at Luna's lower section, causing a very warm sensation to seep into her crotch. She strained to break out of her latex suit, but her efforts only heightened the rush of exhiliration that was about to overwhelm her senses. Luna wriggled and squirmed to escape the guard pinning her ankles down, but it was as if they were denser than the strongest leg irons. Luna's gagged protests and threats of vengeance dissolved into ecstatic moans that exposed her growing pleasure in her predicament.
"Ahh, you see?" the goblin panted in-between his dry humps. "Some personal pleasure can do us both some good."
"Ghh…jhmmp…inthh…Thrrtruss…!" Luna moaned as she continued bouncing up-and-down on the goblin guard's crotch. In her frantic efforts to pull herself out of the guard's grasp, she only caused her sore ass to rub against his rising bulge, causing her cheeks to adopt a deep shade of red.
"Funny you mention Tartarus…since Lord Tirek is sill somewhat…bitter about you and your sister…sending him there," the goblin gasped.
He then planted the palms of his hands onto both of Luna's buttcheeks, causing her to let out a mix between a startled yelp and a satisfactory moan behind her gagged jaws. Her earlier thoughts of resentment and escape began fading away in her mind's eye as she started losing awareness of her surroundings. The last shreds of Luna's mental focus zeroed in on the goblin's firm hold on the lower half of her body, the cool latex hugging against her skin, and the leathery gag rendering her completely speechless.
Luna would absolutely be lying if she said she didn't find some…thrill in her current peril, despite the circumstances of her imprisonment.
The guard quickly sent a hard smack to Luna's behind; this time, Luna didn't even bother hiding the groan of pleasure that escaped her lips. The guard then reached forward and roughly pulled Luna's head back by her hair, and continued spanking her without pause. Luna's pants and cries became more untamed and high-pitched as she started becoming physically overwhelmed by the euphoria that flooded her system.
"Moan for me, wild horse," the goblin purred into Luna's ear. "I know you make much more noise than that. Almost as much as you keep bucking around in my lap."
The guard yanked her hair even harder, dragging his fingernails across Luna's buttocks, before tracing his fingers around Luna's private area.
Luna screamed behind her gag as she finally climaxed hard in her suit. She bucked and thrust her hips wildly in the guard's hold, biting down hard on her bit gag as her thighs became utterly soaked inside of her latex prison. Luna's thoughts became a dark haze as she squeezed her eyes shut and basked in her helpless state. The guard then sat up and teasingly patted Luna's thighs, increasing her euphoric state of bliss.
"This is far more preferable to some dusty old mill, wouldn't you say, Your Highness?"
Luna hummed dreamily as she swayed her hips to and fro.
"Oh, princess…"
"Princess Luna!"
Luna jolted awake in her bedsheets as she quickly sat upright. She instinctively summoned her magic if it turned out she truly was being abducted at this moment. It took her a few moments for it to register in Luna's mind that she was staring down a captain of her Lunar Guard, who stood uncomfortably underneath her doorframe.
"Erm…yes, Captain. To what do I owe this…pleasure?" Luna awkwardly smoothed out her ruffled cosmic hair to make herself more presentable.
"Um… your sister had sent me to wake you up," the captain answered. "The day has ended. Princess Celestia has just lowered the sun. It's now your turn to raise the moon."
"Yes, yes, of course! I just…" Luna nibbled on her thumbnail as she formulated a proper response. "Inform my sister that I will be there momentarily."
"Yes, Your Highness." the captain gave her a quick salute before leaving her room.
Luna sighed in relief while forcing down the euphoric surge of hearing her royal title. As she was about to get out from her bed, Luna felt a very damp sensation around her crotch. An intense blush made itself known on her face as she slowly stared down at the mess she had made in her sleep.
"Me, damn it…"