Princess Celestia sighed through her nose as she glared tiredly at the overly eccentric trickster standing next to her. Discord, the Lord of Chaos, looped a hand around her waist as they walked together on a hill made entirely of cotton candy. Celestia admittedly would've enjoyed the sight more if she weren't so tightly subdued at the moment.
Celestia was stuffed inside a white inflatable latex suit with sun patterns decorating its fabric. The front of the suit displayed the Sun Princess's cutie mark, though it also had the word Sunbutt spelled out underneath it. Another of Discord's "creative" nicknames for Celestia, which she could very well do without.
"It's such a beautiful day out!" Discord stretched out a hand to the gleaming sun up in the skies, which sported a disturbing, snaggletoothed grin that sent shivers down Celestia's spine. "Yet your demeanor is completely killing the mood. I figured the Princess of Daytime would be much more cheerful right about now."
"Mhbhh ifhh ah wshhnt shtuck lhk tshh." Celestia winced as she struggled to form a coherent sentence, since the golden bit gag crammed into her mouth hindered most of her speech abilities.
"What was that, Celestia?" Discord put a hand up to his right ear. "It does no one any good to mumble. Speak up for me, why don't you."
Celestia rolled her eyes. "Ah knhh yuh chnn undrshtnnd mhh," she muttered behind her gag.
Discord hummed. “Here, why don’t we…” he carefully removed the bit gag from Celestia’s mouth. “There we are. Better?”
Celestia stretched her sore jaws, never taking her cold stare off Discord. “Quite. As I was saying, perhaps I’d enjoy the sights more if I wasn’t so trussed up.”
Discord chuckled as he patted Celestia’s right buttcheek, while Celestia fought hard to hold back her rising blush.
“Come now, Celly. This is a much better look for you, don’t you think?”
“I disagree,” Celestia dryly replied.
“Besides, I still have so much planned for us today! Can’t have you running off just yet.”
“I’d rather be checking on the wellbeing of my subjects over spending more time with you than necessary.”
Discord smirked. “Oh, you need not fret over all your beloved fans. Everyone’s having so much fun with the renovations I added to Equestria.”
Celestia scowled. “One: I’d hardly call turning the Everfree Forest into licorice trees and flipping Mount Canterlot upside-down ‘renovations’. Two: No one — and I absolutely mean no one — on this planet asked for you to make a complete mess of my kingdom, let alone be thankful that you did so.”
Discord feigned offense as he raised a hand to his chest. “So hurtful, Your Highness! Here I thought you’d appreciate a change of pace from the usual monotony of your boring, bureaucratic duties.”
“If I wanted a break from my royal duties, I can count off several more preferable options on one hand,” Celestia snarked.
Discord’s mischievous grin stretched even wider. “Funny you mention that…”
With a snap of his fingers, Discord teleported himself and Celestia into what appeared to be a large circus tent. Celestia’s eyes widened as she stood before a tightrope hovering over a massive ball-pit. Discord then sauntered up to her and pulled out a unicycle from his trenchcoat pocket.
“I hear you like bike-riding, Celly. So I thought to cut down two wheels to one to really make things challenging,” Discord gloated.
“And the point of this is…?” Celestia tilted her head confusedly at the ball-pit below her feet.
“I’ll make you a wager, Sunbutt. If you can ride this unicycle all the way to the other side of the rope, you and your subjects are free as birds.” Discord promptly turned himself into a blue jay to emphasize his point. “I’ll turn Equestria back to the way it was, and I’ll let those Element Bearers of yours re-petrify me without a fuss.”
“Just like that? No strings attached?” Celestia challenged. “Surely it can’t be that simple.”
“I don’t even need to make things harder for you when those thunder-thighs of yours do the job for me.”
Celestia pressed her lips into a thin line at Discord’s mirthful gaze.
“Moving on…” she strained to keep her voice level. “What have you done with Twilight and her friends?”
“Pshh. They’re all still in Ponyville, too busy being inverted versions of their true selves to even bother working together.” Discord waved a dismissive hand. “If you want…perhaps I could get your beloved bookworm student to take your place.”
Celestia grit her teeth. “If you even think of hurting her…” her threat was cut off when Discord jammed the bit gag back into her mouth. “Dshhcrrd!!”
“Temper, temper, Sunbutt.” Discord smirked at Celestia’s visible apprehension of that particular pet name. “I’m not that cruel. I’m just saying that given her current mood, our dear Element of Magic may not be all that motivated to take on any challenge with the fate of Equestria at stake.”
“Ahn whhs fhhult ish thht??” Celestia growled.
“In any case,” Discord ignored the solar monarch’s rising anger. “that honor should rightfully go to the ruler of this fair nation. You win, you all get to back to your usual, boring lives. Lose, and Equestria gets to enjoy a new Age of Chaos. No pressure, right?”
Celestia glared at Discord, then looked over at the tightrope behind her. This was certainly the oddest way Celestia fought for her kingdom and her subjects, but the stakes were no less important. If her people’s freedom and sanity relied on her completing Discord’s insane challenge? So be it.
“Vrrhy whll,” Celestia conceded.
Discord clapped his hands and, much to her shock, Celestia already found herself sitting on the unicycle which was balanced on the tightrope. Her senses went into override as she struggled to maintain balance. One wrong move, and she’d find herself buried deep in a mound of plastic balls.
“Have fun, Sunbutt!” Discord waved a handkerchief in her direction. “Remember to pedal with both feet and keep your eyes forward!”
Celestia gnawed her teeth on her gag to hold back the torrent of insults that boiled on the tip of her tongue. Steeling herself, Celestia began pedaling the unicycle forward. The contraption seemed to hold her weight rather well as she slowly traversed the tightrope. As a couple minutes flew by, sweat beaded on Celestia’s forehead as she neared the other side of the tightrope. Suddenly, her right foot slipped off the pedal, causing her to veer one side off the rope. Celestia yelped as she tried to regain balance, but it was all in vain. The Sun Princess fell off the tightrope as both she and the unicycle began plummeting straight for the ball-pit. Celestia yelled as she crashed into the tall pile of balls that went bouncing everywhere from the impact. She pushed herself out of the sea of balls as Discord floated down to her level with a parasol, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Tsk, tsk. And here you were doing so good, too.” The Chaos God shrugged. “Oh, well. Looks like we’re gonna have to rename Equestria into ‘New Chaosville’.” he smiled to himself at the new name. “Rolls right off the tongue, wouldn’t you say?”
“Nnhhh!!!” Celestia attempted to lunge for Discord, but her lack of balance caused her to fall on her side. Discord knelt down and cupped her chin in his hand.
“No need to be such a sore loser, Celly. All that cake going straight to your sun-sized behind couldn’t have done you any favors.”
Celestia thrashed in Discord’s taunting grip, her eyes blazing with fire.
A literal light bulb flashed over Discord’s head. “I got it! What you need is some good ol’ fashioned exercise. What better way to lift your spirits and burn off some calories?”
Before Celestia could even muster a response, Discord snapped his fingers again.
This time, Celestia found herself in a small padded cell. She was tied to a metal chair with pink ribbons, and her ankles were strapped to a leg pedal machine that was hooked to a large power generator in one corner of the cell. Additionally, a small cylindrical object was sticking out of the crotch zipper of her latex suit. Celestia jumped as Discord swung the cell door open, dangling a small remote in one hand.
“Time for a new challenge, Sunbutt. You love keeping in shape, don’t you?” Discord teased. “All you need to do is pedal as fast as you can. This place isn’t going to power itself, you know.”
At that moment, it all clicked in Celestia’s head. She was going to have to manually power Discord’s generator with the momentum from her pedal machine. The idea alone left her nearly dumbstruck.
“Ahnd iff ah rffushh?” Celestia retorted through her gag.
Discord turned a dial on the remote. Celestia instantly felt a vibrating sensation beneath her crotch. Alarmed, she looked down to see that there was indeed a vibrator pushed against her private area, sending tingles throughout her lower body. Celestia’s earlier frustration instantly melted away as she started losing control of her breathing.
“The more you slack off, the higher the setting goes,” Discord purred, leaning against the doorframe. “And believe me: this bad boy has an unlimited setting.”
Discord cranked up the dial a couple of notches, and the vibrator picked up in speed. Celestia chewed down hard to stop herself from moaning at the onslaught of tingles.
“I’d start pedaling if I were you, Jelly Thighs.”
Discord’s remarks barely registered in Celestia’s hazy mind as she started pedaling with all her might. The generator in her cell flashed to life in response as it whirred with energy. Celestia grimaced under the vibrator’s effects as she struggled to continue pedaling. A few minutes later, exhaustion began seeping into her features as she lost momentum. Discord hummed as he turned up the remote dial even more.
This time, Celestia couldn’t stop the ecstatic moans that escaped her lips as her crotch and inner thighs began getting utterly drenched. She could feel nothing but the buzzing vibrator against her flesh, the latex prison that kept her immobile, and the tight outer restraints that chafed against her body. Celestia panted for breath as she sagged her shoulders in surrender; her legs worked on auto-pilot as she continued pedaling the machine to power Discord’s generator. From the corner of her eye, Discord had already summoned a recliner and a giant TV that was playing one of his favorite movies. The Lord of Chaos burst into laughter at one scene of a spoiled rich boy falling into a lake of chocolate.
“This is my favorite part!” He absentmindedly picked up the remote and adjusted the dial to turn up the volume.
“HHMMMPPHHH!!!” Celestia threw her head back at the sudden increase in the vibrations in her crotch. Her cosmic hair cascaded down her back as she bounced excitedly in her chair while pedaling. Discord craned his neck to see the Sun Princess utterly drenched in sweat (and a few other liquids), and grinned at the sight.
“Oops. Wrong remote.” Discord gave her a half-apologetic glance. “…Or was it?”
He cranked up the dial several more notches, and Celestia was absolutely positive she was on the verge of exploding from the overwhelming surge of pleasure. Her legs continued pedaling on their own accord, but the only thing she could focus on was the vibrating object that practically burrowed its way into her very soul. Celestia’s entire body tingled with euphoria as she panted and moaned like a wily pony. To really add in the effect, Discord turned up the dial even more, and the rapid vibrations caused Celestia to let out what could be described as a whinny.
Discord smirked as he held Celestia’s sweaty face in his hands. “Quite the scrappy little pony, aren’t you, Celestia?” He nuzzled his nose against Celestia’s, causing her face to become redder than a tomato.
Celestia began rocking back and forth in her chair, but the ribbons that secured her to the seat held firm. Her legs continued pedaling the machine as if they’d gained a will of their own. The vibrator positioned against her crotch was at its highest setting-
Wait. Didn’t Discord say that thing had an unlimited setting?
Celestia’s eyes turned fearful as the Chaos God caught on to her train of thought. She fervently shook her head to get him to stop, but her captor smugly cranked up the dial even more.
Never in all of Celestia’s years of life did she think it was possible for a being to experience this amount of relentless pleasure. She screamed and brayed behind her gagged jaws, fully succumbing to her primal urges as she continued climaxing inside her latex suit. Her restricted movements, the tightness of her restraints, the utter horniness of her surroundings, combined with Discord’s domineering gaze was all enough to make her want to pass out-
Celestia let out a loud gasp as she jolted upright in her bed. She collected her breath as she summoned a wisp of solar magic, scanning her quarters for any signs of intruders. After a few minutes, Celestia hesitantly lowered her guard as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Well… That was…something,” she mused to herself.
Just then, a captain of Celestia’s Solar Guard entered her chambers.
“Ah, Your Highness. It’s good to see you are awake,” the captain kindly greeted her.
“Hello, Captain. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Celestia mustered up her years of experience in the royal courts to disguise the awkward tremors in her voice.
“Your sister instructed me to send for you. It’s now your time to raise the sun.”
Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Captain. I will be there shortly. Send my thanks to my sister if you can.”
“Of course, Your Highness.” the guard bowed before leaving the room.
Celestia sighed relievedly as she threw her head back against her pillow. She thanked all the stars in existence that she hadn’t shown her discomfort at the sensation of her soaked bedsheets.
“Me, damn it…”
A few moments later, Celestia got up from her bed and dressed herself in her usual regal attire, before departing for the observatory to carry out her part of the solar cycle. On her way, she was met by her sister Luna, who looked visibly worn out from the night’s events.
“Good morning, sister.” Luna let out a lethargic yawn.
Celestia chuckled. “And to you as well, Luna.” she put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Get some rest, sister. You’ve definitely earned it.”
Luna sent her a thankful smile before departing for her bedroom. But Celestia quickly turned back to face her when a thought occurred to her.
“Actually, Luna, could I have a moment?” Celestia called out.
The Lunar Princess spun on her heels to her sibling. “Of course, sister. Is something troubling you?”
“Not necessarily. It’s just…” Celestia awkwardly fumbled her hands together. She then walked closer to Luna so no one else could hear them. “Discord can’t access the Dream Realm, can he?”
Luna reeled back. “Absolutely not. I made very sure of that after his reformation. Powerful as he may be, he does not have the strength to pierce the veil of dreams.”
“Oh, good. Very…good.” Celestia shook her head to block out the vivid images of her bound fantasies. “Thank you, sister. That definitely puts my mind at ease.”
Luna tilted her head confusedly. Then her eyes lit up when she pieced it together.
“Wet dream?”
Celestia balked at the bluntness of Luna’s query, but she drooped her shoulders nonetheless. “Something like that…” she frowned when Luna smirked at how red her cheeks were turning.
“I will give you my dessert for a whole year, so long as you keep this strictly between us,” Celestia bargained.
Luna’s eyes widened with delight before quickly recomposing herself. “I mean, I would have agreed unconditionally, but who am I to say ‘no’ to such a generous offer from my big sister?”
Celestia ran her hands down her face. “Luna-“
“Very well. Your secret stays with me, sister.”
Celestia gave a curt nod as she set out to raise the sun and commence the day.
“You could do with cutting back on the sweets anyways, Jelly Thighs,” Luna muttered under her breath.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” Luna feigned innocence as she strode down the hallway to her room.
—This is a direct sequel to my earlier drawing of Luna enduring a similar predicament: >3567799