Summary: Twilight and her friends confront a giant evil Fire Flare (under Daybreaker's mind control) attacking Paris. Will they be able to stop her this time or are they in for the most humiliating defeat they have ever faced from her?
Things in Shanghai have been more calm thanks to Rainbow Dash and her fellow pegasus friends, but this has angered Daybreaker and her alicorn squad. The next day, Rainbow Dash and her friends are visiting Paris at afternoon, just nearly one hour before sunset. It is currently 5:40 PM, and her friends are visiting a café shop, deciding they all should have some tea and coffee together.
"You saved Spitfire from Daybreaker's mind control? That's good to hear, Rainbow!" Applejack says with excitement while taking a sip out of her tea. "I knew you could've done it without us at all!"
"It wasn't just me who did it alone. My Wonderbolt friends helped me get her back on the good side, too! But then again, I felt like I would've been able to get the job done without anybody. I sometimes can finish things off alone." Rainbow Dash told her friends.
"Trusting others is a way to help get things done more better against doing it all by yourself." Rarity gives Rainbow Dash some advice that with friends on her side, she can everything done easily.
"She's right. Even we aren't around, you still have other friends who can assist you whenever danger arrives and they'll be glad to help you wherever you go, so keep that in mind." Fluttershy spoke, agreeing with the words coming from Rarity.
As the Mane Six are all sitting in one table, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight Sparkle have tea, the other three ponies have coffee. Similarly, they have croissants and macarons they could share with each other.
Besides the ponies, there are also some humans in the café with them, including a waitress who owns the restaurant.
"Hey, Rarity. Are you gonna finish up your tea? It's almost empty." Pinkie Pie says to Rarity, noticing her tea is almost gone, having been drinking it in minutes more than the other five ponies have.
"I will. Just give me a moment to take a bite outta this croissant first. I still have time to drink my tea in the process." Rarity responds, deciding she should eat her croissant and does so using her magic. The other ponies have one croissant on their plates, except for Pinkie Pie, who has two.
The waitress comes walking towards the table where Twilight and her friends are. She asks them while they are enjoying their meal, "How's everything going so far? Everything tastes good for you?"
"Delicious and all is going great! We love the food and drinks you served for us." Twilight Sparkle comments that she is enjoying her meal as much as her friends do. This warm tea will keep me relaxed the next time I read a book when I go home soon.
"Do you want my croissant, Rainbow? I'm not feeling hungry anymore…" Fluttershy offers Rainbow her croissant.
"Thank you, Fluttershy. I'm happy to accept it." Rainbow Dash accepts Fluttershy's croissant and decides to eat as the latter didn't feel like eating for the rest of the day.
The waitress feels the Mane Six are having a good time having dinner, and decides to let them go.
As Twilight starts levitating her tea so she can drink some more, she eventually feels the ground shaking a little bit. Not only she and her friends are feeling this, the humans are also experiencing this as well. Suddenly, the shaking grew more, leaving Twilight and her friends even more confused on what was really going on.
Twilight Sparkle gets up from her chair and begins looking at the windows, wondering what the commotion was all about. She sees several humans outside running and panicking.
"Why are the people running?" She wondered.
Soon the lights inside the building went as they heard very loud thunderous steps from outside, and much to Twilight's shock, she saw a huge hoof come down, stomping the ground with a large hoofprint left behind.
Everyone in the humans began panicking when they felt an extreme roar coming from the giant pony who was rampaging across Paris.
"I need everyone staying inside while me and my friends go and investigate this huge pony terrorizing the city!" Twilight Sparkle ordered all the humans staying inside, including the waitress. They decide to hide somewhere under the table.
"Time for another mission, girls! And this is a serious mission!" Applejack told her friends as her and the other five ponies head out to stop this enormous pony from attacking Paris.
Rarity opened the door and, when she went outside, she was shocked that it was Fire Flare, who has been brainwashed and placed under Daybreaker's mind control. They could already tell Fire Flare was so huge, her steps left a big impact of destruction behind her.
Fire Flare laughed evilly as she continued her destruction, killing thousands and hundreds, crushing buildings and vehicles under her four hooves. She was almost big enough to have her horn touch the clouds above her.
As the giant unicorn stopped, she said to the tinies down below as she kept on getting more excited in killing everyone: "You can hide, you can run, but there's no escape from me, Fire Flare! Under Daybreaker's command, my objective is to wipe you humans all out and destroy most of this city until there's nothing of it! I'll find you so quickly, you tinies will even suffer so much pain from me!"
"This is not good…" Fluttershy watches in horror as she and her friends witness Fire Flare levitate some humans with her magic.
"Put us down, you big brute!" A man said as he begged and demanded Dark Fire Flare to put him back on the ground. "You won't be destroying this city as long as someone is here to stop you! Not one evil giant will be wiping us out entirely!"
Unfortunately, Fire Flare smirks in an evil manner and laughs, replying, "You pathetic tinies can't even hurt me! I'm so huge, I can't be harmed by anything! I'm invincible! You're nothing but dirt!"
Fire Flare released the tinies from her red magic as they stared into her red eyes, dropping them, only to use a magic beam to destroy them, killing all twelve of them instantly, both men and women.
"Time to tear this place apart even more! I will crush everything below my hooves!" Fire Flare spoke as her huge deep voice echoed all over Paris, frightening the citizens and tourists in Paris.
The giant-sized unicorn resumed her rampage, first lifting up her front right hoof and slammed it down to the ground like a powerful earthquake, causing some buildings close to her bouncing in one motion.
"We better stop her before she destroys Paris completely!" Rarity told her friends to march forward and go after Fire Flare no matter what.
"Yeah, she's so huge that she can Earth entirely with just one hoof if she could." Pinkie Pie feels worried that Paris and Earth might be destroyed in a couple minutes and the whole world could be terrified of Fire Flare due to her massive, along with darkness inside her heart that's causing her to become evil and be a villain, just like how Daybreaker and her alicorn team are.
"Just make sure not to get stepped under her hooves because we need to be somewhere where she doesn't crush us like pancakes." Twilight Sparkle warned her friends that they need to be careful catching up with the giant brainwashed Fire Flare because appearing under her is a bad idea.
Twilight and her five friends run and go after the massive-sized unicorn in an attempt to prevent her from destroying Paris and save the remaining people from dying.
Back with Fire Flare, she fired her magic at several buildings, killing more innocents and stomped her way around the city. With more tinies on her killing list, she promised the evil alicorns that she complete the task in destroying Paris and wiping out as much humans as possible.
Fire Flare glared at the humans down below with strong hatred, promising them all that they will die whether they like it or not.
"Oh, no you don't! You fools won't get away from me! I'm big enough to catch you worthless insects! Stop trying to resist me and admit death, little ones!" Fire Flare said with a wicked grin, levitating more humans, putting herself in a further mood to kill them in one shot.
Next, Fire Flare fired her magic beam at the seven tinies she captured, wiping them all out at once.
This massacre caused by the giant unicorn of darkness grew more out of control, humans are trying to survive her destruction and find someplace safe, though it may not last long before she can find them. Little did they know that Fire Flare would be grabbing them with her magic in order to prevent the humans from hiding, knowing it won't work with her.
"Are you girls seeing this?! She just killed more humans in the air!" Applejack shows the girls what Fire Flare has done, leaving the Mane Six terrified and afraid that they might not be able to stop her.
"I've seen her like this twice before, but this one is definitely a whole new story that someone must write down in the books." Rarity recalls the last two times in the past when Daybreaker turned Fire Flare evil, things weren't anything like this. Now, Fire Flare is way more dangerous than ever.
"Today's the worst thing Paris could've experienced. Don't expect this to be the end because I know we have to find a way to stop her." Twilight Sparkle told her friends as they yet again continue chasing after the giant unicorn, who kept walking forward and left hoofprints behind on the streets. They wanted to do whatever they could to save Paris.
"Now or never. Everyone's counting on us…" Fluttershy knows that everyone is depending her and the others in saving Paris and the people along with it. It was the run for the hills.
Several buildings have been either destroyed or trampled on as Fire Flare tore up the city even more compared to the ones just minutes ago. It was at this moment that no one could get out alive. What will be left of this city at the end of the day?
"I'm a pony made of fire, born with fire, and I'm burning this entire place down!" Fire Flare stops herself for a moment and catch some buildings on fire using her magic.
Fire Flare laughed as she saw the buildings become nothing except useless junk.
Whoever have been trapped inside their homes when it began to burn died in the process, especially loved ones and friends. Fire Flare couldn't care for anyone or anything aside from herself. She watches with amusement as her destruction become absolutely perfect and a masterpiece. She continues her walk and make sure that Paris was forever gone after today. The world was falling apart as this massive unicorn showed nothing but cruelty and hatred towards every human she saw.
So far, over 10,000 people have been dying from the destruction that has not stopped at all. The citizens have been fleeing and screaming, trying to find someplace safe still, but once again, it will only prove futile as the evil unicorn might find them, if possible.
Back with Fire Flare, she was feeling happy with killing all the people that she didn't cared for, and was about to leave until suddenly, Twilight Sparkle showed up, appearing right before her. The tiny alicorn was not happy with her.
"You again, huh?" Fire Flare reacts with a surprised expression upon noticing Twilight Sparkle is in her way again, recognizing her somewhere from before. "Last time, you stopped my plans from destroying Dallas. I'm just gonna warn you now, Twilight, that I'm made of much tougher than I was the last two times you've met me. You and the rest of your friends won't be stopping me this time!"
"We will stop you again, and bring you back on the good side for the third time!" Twilight said as she fired her magic at Fire Flare, who eventually fired hers back as well. It ended in an explosion, though neither pony got injured.
The Mane Five, worried about what will happen with Twilight Sparkle and her showdown with the giant-sized rampaging unicorn, look at each other, figuring out what they should do.
"Should we step in and help her or should we stay out of this?" Applejack asks her friends, giving them a decision on whether they stay out of the fight or help Twilight and save her from dying by the hooves of the giant unicorn. "I mean, no offense, but Fire Flare's been killing more than 10,000 people, and I don't want all five of us killed too."
"I think me and Pinkie should stay put and avoid death while the rest of you can go and help Twilight out." Fluttershy volunteers herself and Pinkie in staying out of trouble.
"Okay, that's your choice, but alrighty." Rainbow Dash replied before she, Rarity and Applejack all move forward and help Twilight Sparkle out.
Twilight Sparkle and the giant evil unicorn continue going at it with each other. Fire Flare unleashes multiple magic beams at the alicorn, though she flies out of the way in time and avoid being hit. While the two keep fighting each other, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack intervene and stop Fire Flare, with Applejack pulling out her rope and throwing it around Fire's hind hooves.
"Gotcha!" Applejack said as she has the giant unicorn trapped into her tricks, trying the best she can to save Twilight as long as possible. "Rarity, help me pull her backwards before she sees us!"
"Don't worry, I heard you, Applejack. I will use all my strength to stop her." Rarity steps in and helps Applejack bring Fire Flare backward.
Fire Flare stops herself from fighting Twilight upon seeing herself being pushed back and when she turns around looking down at her hind hooves, she finds them tied and notices Applejack and Rarity are pushing her back. This leaves her really angry as she grew more frustrated the more stood in her way and she began getting pushed to her breaking point.
Rarity and Applejack gasp in shock when Fire Flare catches them pulling her in reverse.
"Uh oh, she knows what we are doing. We are in trouble now." Applejack warns Rarity that they are asking for trouble from the giant unicorn, who was furious with them both for interfering.
"Wanna get in my way, huh? Then I'll just give you something that'll make you all leave me alone for good, you irritating little ponies!" Fire Flare shouted as she pulled out a pair of scissors to cut the rope from her hooves.
"Look out! She's about to attack you with one shot!" Twilight Sparkle told her friends as she noticed Fire Flare activating her magic and prepare to place Twilight's friends under a spell.
Releasing the magic from her horn, she aimed at Rarity and Applejack, hitting them with a spell that resulted in them going to sleep. Rainbow Dash flies up and stop Fire Flare, but unfortunately, she was hit as well, sleeping in the process. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy attempt to get in the way, though the giant evil unicorn easily caught them and put them in a sleep where they couldn't get up for some time.
"Not my friends! I have a bad feeling about this!" Twilight Sparkle witnesses all of her five friends placed under a sleeping spell and with nobody else to help her, she finds herself defenseless against the evil unicorn, who saw a chance to finish her off and end things quickly.
"Now it's your turn, Princess Twilight!" Fire Flare pays her attention towards Twilight, having one last target remaining before she can make her escape.
Twilight Sparkle dodges and flies away quickly just as Fire Flares unleashes multiple magic beams at her in an attempt to put her to sleep along with her friends in the end. Flying through many directions, she was getting exhausted and carefully lands on the ground safely hoping she can undo the spell.
Unbeknownst to her, however, this gave the giant unicorn the easy chance to finish her off. Fire Flare fires her magic at Twilight, knocking her out while she tries to get Rarity back up. As Twilight fell to the ground unconscious, Fire Flare admired her satisfying victory, feeling happy that she didn't lose and completed her mission for Daybreaker and her alicorn team.
Fire Flare says with a smug smirk on her face while looking down at the unconscious, sleeping six ponies on the ground, "How sad it has to end like this for Twilight and her friends. With nobody else in my way, I can finally get out of here without any interruptions!"
Then, the giant unicorn shrinks herself all the way down to regular size. She walks towards the unconscious Mane Six and checks on Rarity, only to realize she couldn't breathe or move.
"That takes care of these ponies. Now to get going. My mission has been accomplished." Fire Flare promises Daybreaker that she has succeeded in her mission without any problems. "Sleep well, little ponies and don't get back up. You won't wake up for a while."
Fire Flare walks away from the sleeping, knocked out six ponies as she left them there in the middle of the streets. She sees humans still panicking and fleeing from her as she looked at them. She opens up a portal and then walks through the portal, which has closed afterwards.
Back with the evil alicorns at their hideout…
"So, what shall we do next? Go back into our own world and take over Equestria?" Nightmare Moon asks Daybreaker, having been thinking about trying to rule Equestria.
"Not now. I still have to find the next targets, the ones we haven't captured yet. I know they're hiding somewhere in the real world." Daybreaker suggests she and her team instead go look for some ponies they can turn evil next time.
"How about Aloe and Lotus Blossom? Me and Luna have located them in Tokyo and Mumbai." Dark Princess Celestia says, informing them where the spa ponies are.
"Sounds good, but we'll do that in about three days. For now, we gotta remain focused and make sure our plans can work without any more problems from Twilight and her friends." Daybreaker reminds the other evil alicorns that they have to do something more important at the time before they can capture and turn both Lotus Blossom and Aloe in the next three days.
Suddenly, the portal opens in front of the evil alicorns, revealing to be Fire Flare, who just came back from her latest mission.
As Fire Flare walks towards the alicorns, Nightmare Moon asks her in a soft tone, "Did you completed your mission as you were told, Fire Flare?"
"Yes, I have succeeded my mission and defeated Twilight Sparkle and her worthless friends. They weren't able to stop me this time." Fire Flare answered, letting the alicorns know that she has dealt with Twilight and her friends with no ease. "I'm so glad I didn't lose for the third time because that would've made me more angry."
"Good job completing your mission." Daybreaker congratulates Fire Flare for defeating the Mane Six as well as destroying Paris and killing the humans like she expected from her. "From now on, you are on our side!"
"I'm so happy to have you all as my new friends." Fire Flare hugs Daybreaker, accepting her and the other four evil alicorns as her new friends, joining her dark side and abandon the side of good.
Daybreaker says with a sinister grin, "Poor people. The city of Paris is longer like what it used to be."
A few hours later, it was nighttime, the clock was 9:54 PM, and the city was left in a huge disaster thanks to the massive destruction Fire Flare caused from earlier. The Mane Six was still resting on the ground unconscious until they eventually woke up a couple seconds later.
Rarity wakes up, wondering, "Is it nighttime already? And where did Fire Flare?"
"I don't think she's anywhere around." Pinkie Pie doesn't see sign of the unicorn who terrorized Paris earlier. "She placed all of us under a spell and then we couldn't even remember a thing what she said to us while we were sleeping, nor where did she head off to afterwards."
"So that means…?" Fluttershy asks with a worried look on her face, knowing what the outcome is.
"We lost, sadly. There's nothing else we can do except head home, girls. Nobody wants to be a loser, but I'm afraid we lost the war this time."
The Mane Six walk away in sadness and Applejack was feeling frustrated she didn't win.
"That's the third time we've lost! We've worked so hard in Equestria training for months, and this is how we get the results?! We defeated Fire Flare twice before and now we lost to her?! That's just upsetting! How will the people hear this when they've found out we lost to a giant evil pony for the third time?!" Rarity expressed so much anger inside her as she promised Fire Flare that she and her friends will defeat her and bring her back on the good side.
For now, Fire Flare is on Daybreaker's side and is willing to do favors and help the evil alicorns win more victories in the future.