Fastachee is a helpful member of the Appleloosan buffalo tribe, just trying to be a good little calf. She can be a bit childish, like when she temporarily ran away from her family because she envied her brothers being able to go on their Vision Quests (which is traditionally only for the male buffalos), but she's too loved by her friends and family for her occasional moments of immaturity to really mean anything. Plus, she blushes easily, making her too cute for most to dislike. She has an affinity for animals (mostly birds) — in fact, she has a pet Thunderbird named Pamola (not the bird on her back, fyi) whose cave she often runs off from her tribe to visit. Her father is named Vulcan Raven, and her only brother which I've named… I forgot the name of. Anyways, Fastachee is a character I made early into my journey as a member of this godforsaken neat fandom, and I've always been fond of this cute little buffalo. She was my attempt to make a non-pony OC that looked like a canon member of their species, but looked unique enough to hit that sweet spot of familiar yet original that I try to go for with my OCs. I often forget to try doing that, but hey, I clearly think that it worked with this one. Also, it was fun making her because I she, like the canon buffalos, are inspired by Native American cultures, and I love Native American mythology, so I took a few bits from it for her name, and of course, her dual-reference pet Thunderbird, Pamola. Can't wait to cram in more allusions as I explore her character further in my fanfics!
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