Sweet Wing is a mare who grew up in a regular family in Cloudsdale. Her life was as normal as normal gets, and to everypony around her aiming to be Wonderbolts or weather manufacturers, she didn't particularly know what she wanted, until she met a strange boy named Hang Glider. He didn't talk much, but like her, he was often left behind by the rest of the class, and he didn't say much, so she could talk to him without worry. She would treat his wounds as the years went by, eventually finding her talent for nursing, but one day, Hang disappeared. She didn't begin to know where to look or what had happened, so time passed and she went on with her life, but never lost her feelings for him. He showed up on a random day and was devastated to learn that he'd had a child with another mare. Crushed but unable to let go, she eventually sought him out and met Downy Snow and Soarin. Less than a year later, they broke up and Hang and Soarin moved back to Cloudsdale. Her chance finally there to take, she hooked back up with Hang Glider. Soarin never forgave her for it, and though she loves Hang to death and back, she was never able to win his son over.