Scorpan went to the city of Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, while his brother was busy absorbing the ponies of a village located on the outskirts of Equestria, there he saw how peaceful it was, and how nice and welcoming all the ponies were. He started to wonder whether his brother was lying or if he simple misjudged them. He took more time to experience Equestria just to be sure, and soon met the revered wizard, Starswirl the Bearded.
Star Swirl: Welcome to Canterlot, traveler. I am known as Star Swirl the Bearded, who might you be?
Scorpan: Scorpan.
Star Swirl: A pleasure to make your acquittance, Scorpan.
He holds out his hoof for him, and Scorpan smiles before shaking it.
Scorpan: Likewise. Do you think you could tell me about Equestria and her ponies?
Star Swirl: Glady.
He walks with Scorpan through the city of Canterlot, telling him a lot about the kingdom, it's history, and it's benevolent rulers who raise the sun and moon, and more.
Star Swirl: My faithful apprentice, Clover the Clever, was one of the founders of this kingdom, that the Princesses rule benevolently.
He takes Scorpan outside of the city, showing him some beautiful places, for him to understand and appreciate the land's beauty even more. Here they are in a nice landscape, that Star Swirl meditates at.