[bq]Ruler of Equestria
Wavy and shiny mane is a must have when you are ruling your kingdom !
I really wanted to draw this scene that appeard in my imagination,where Twilight is writing a letter to her friends in Ponyville to tell them that her mane and tail started to wave and shine. I feel that Rarity will be a little jealous. "![Rarity Don't Like":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/015ec7ca-6cb2-498e-9a07-20eb6f397020/daswrbz-b0b6a8e6-0003-4061-acbb-554eadb415fd.gif(https://www.deviantart.com/veronicamiranda/art/Rarity-Don-t-Like-653219423)
Art by Rutkotka
MLP by Hasbro
#mlp #princess #ponyfriendship #twilightsparkle #rulerofequestria